Reviews for All's Fair
kortni chapter 2 . 4/1/2005
AW this is awesoe hury hrry times a ticking!
Seaweed chapter 2 . 4/17/2004
I'm not going to be very helpful, sorry :-) I think it's pretty good, but I'm not good at good advice *blushes*. I loved the random fact, lol!
kate chapter 2 . 3/20/2004
Dammit! whenever i get a fic i like it always ends on a cliffhanger...
Candyland didn't sign in chapter 2 . 5/28/2003

LOL, kidding. But this is a really cute story! Post more, post more, so we can all find out what's going to come of this little mishap, hehehe...


Candyland, but you can call me Princess
BBsweet chapter 2 . 4/25/2003
I like it keep going please. Oh and the cliff hanger only made me want to read more.
Starian Princess chapter 2 . 4/23/2003
Anou... Onegai! Continue soon, ne? This fic is very interesting. What will hapen after Tohru tries both and at the same time? I'm very curious and excited on what's going to happen!
jessica f1 chapter 2 . 4/20/2003
Hello. I'm actually a newcomer to this webservice but I love anime and fanfiction-especially Fruits Basket fanfiction. I thought yours was really great-a real situation taken exactly from the anime/manga. I can't wait for the next chapter... No pressure!
carpetfibers chapter 2 . 4/20/2003
Oi! You simply must finish this. The cliffhanger you left me on was simply too much. Ah! the agony...

Actually, you have a great story line going here, and it would be such a shame to not finish it. So please, update soon.
chibichibi-neko chapter 2 . 4/10/2003
*jumping up and down in excitement* What's gonna happen ? What's gonna happen ?
Melody chapter 2 . 4/2/2003
e I want to see what happens! please write more. _
AerinM chapter 2 . 3/27/2003
NO! Update soon! I hafta know!

PS I'm the one who read one of your other stories...

Anyways, continue soon!
Raigeki chapter 2 . 3/25/2003
yu know if a chapter ends in "..." then it is deffinatly a cliffy, and i really like this one because it is a good cliff hanger!

ok, i really think you got the characterization down really well, i mean, you don't take one side, and you show there thoughts very well...and it is soo cute! i love this fan fic.

i really like the way you justify each persons actions. i mean, you don't make Kyo-kun sound like a prick, and you don't make Yuki sound too nice. And you got the silly grin right down on Tohru! tight then, please update as soon as possable, i really want to know what happens.
Raigeki chapter 1 . 3/25/2003
damn it! i need to know what happens! man, i don't know, the thing is, i love both Kyo-kun and yuki! i want them both to win! it ain't fair! i don't care what you say!

very good though, andi have to say i like your style...and the way you got me all...e...anstuf...i'm am going to read the next couple of chapters now.
chinoz chapter 2 . 3/24/2003
Bunny chan... what does onigiri means? Please let me know. Thank you! :-) Wonderful story content. *grins* I even like the cliffhanger... Nutty I know... Update please!
Tennacity chapter 2 . 3/20/2003
That was so funny when she discovered that they were the same thing! That makes me laugh. I'll bet that the next chapter will be awesome! I can hardly wait! Hurry and update!
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