Reviews for The Master of Death
Guest chapter 9 . 7/23
I really like this one I know it could be a really good fic.
fvdv123 chapter 9 . 7/11
i like it , but wat's with the bones ? anything that passes trough a snake is called ( s hit ) so there are no bones in the passageways but a lot of manure
it's on my follow list though
The Apprentice Author chapter 9 . 6/29
Can you please update this. It's really fucking good and I saw that you updated a few of your other stories, so, like, pleeeeaaaaaaasssssssseeeeee
Hades Darkstar chapter 9 . 6/26
Please update this story soon I really like it and want to see what comes next.
Djiin chapter 5 . 5/14
good chapter and very good story. I like very much this story.
nitewolf423 chapter 9 . 5/12
Will this be continuing or have your other stories taken precedent
Eliazar Chandra chapter 9 . 5/9
Please continue this story it is way better than canon... the original harry potter is comicaly stupid that it isn't real, but this harry potter is believable.
plumbknot57 chapter 9 . 4/12
Great story hope you continue it.
rowenasheir chapter 9 . 3/8
What happened to the rest of the story?
Dumpster40 chapter 9 . 2/3
Savaton chapter 1 . 11/30/2019
Oh. My. GOD! That was AWESOME!
didyousaytim chapter 9 . 11/26/2019
Thanks for the story. I kept track of all the times you said Harry passed on his summer training. Water and Plant attacks made a lot of sense, and the "crew" had been running for months so no doubt about the stamina. Ith a good wand, it was all very plausible. Of course Tom had Giiny's wand which could have hampered his 16 yr old skills. Rituals post Hogwarts makes all the sense if Tom wanted to lay low (under Dumbledore's scrutiny post getting his service award.

What is odd if no story REMOVES that service award from Tom post rescue which is within even your Dumbledore's means.

Ty, Tim
didyousaytim chapter 8 . 11/26/2019
Great take on Sly... Harry. Plot issue in chapter.

After losing wand from a disarming charm, how could Ron call up a snake?
woodzrox chapter 7 . 11/12/2019
Wow, this chapter took a turn, what with this "Project Cadmus" that came out of know where.
Leroy519 chapter 7 . 9/24/2019
Lost me a couple of paragraph in on ch 7. I'm confused to the way its progressing.
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