Reviews for Auribus Teneo Lupum
Vitoria Ferreira Mendes chapter 17 . 5/26
Eatgreenapples chapter 17 . 5/21
Cute story. Thanks for sharing your writing
Janner chapter 10 . 5/19
A tip for the future:- British kids would not refer to their mother as 'Mom' or 'Mommy'. They call her 'Mum' or 'Mummy.' It's a small cultural point. Otherwise I am enjoying the story.
amsev chapter 17 . 5/14
Lovely, sweet story! Thank you for writing.
KyloRen'sgirl213 chapter 1 . 5/14
Love it very much keep up the good work with the other too looking forward to new one soon
FriendofTrees chapter 17 . 5/12
This was so much fun! I really enjoyed it. Thank you for such an enjoyable read! I hope you are well. 3
Black Banshee chapter 17 . 5/12
Thank you for a beautiful story.
ouiplanete chapter 17 . 5/11
This story was super sweet! Great job!
Guest chapter 17 . 5/10
EdDbookfan1018 chapter 11 . 5/10
It sucks to be dischargedyour baby has to stay. You got the feelings right.
Calindy chapter 17 . 5/9
Thoroughly enjoyed! Thank you!
ZoeyOlivia chapter 17 . 5/9
Well done!
Bella67x chapter 17 . 5/9
great story, can't believe it's over!
alba chapter 17 . 5/9
Enjoyable read. Thanks.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/9
Sweet story!
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