Reviews for The Wild Hunt
Annibale chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
Liked this story of the wild hunt . So good. :D I know I will hate to see the end of the trilogy.
HachimansKitsune chapter 1 . 10/26/2017
Awww...loved it. Always love stories about the Hunt :))
Guest chapter 1 . 10/22/2017
Enjoying your work. Nice use of the high king and the hunt. Could be interesting to have a high king interested in Sarah. All kinds of possible story lines could spin off of that- maybe Sarah is descended from the high kings mortal love?
Honoria Granger chapter 1 . 10/21/2017
I was so happy to see this, a new and splendid story! I love everything about it. And the High King! OMG! I would have been as nervous as Sarah. Please don't let the High Queen get all jealous of Sarai of Mannahatta (as the old name is, and the Fae would know it). And they speak Welsh, or Cymric, in Wales; Gaelic is spoken in Scotland (and pronounced Gahlic, not Gaylic), and Irish in Ireland.
But the Hunt was glorious! I loved it all, and the descriptions are just perfect. I've ridden on a winter hunt in Wiltshire, a Boxing Day one; though not a Wild one it was still pretty wild. You have both caught its sense and substance to perfection. I got blooded too, only on my forehead; I know this sort of thing is illegal now, but it was so solemn and magical...thank you so much for this magnificent story!