Reviews for Delinquent Dragon Emperor
themaximus chapter 14 . 7/28
Hey bro, this chapter was really very good and very interesting. To tell the truth, the entire plot of this story until now have been very well planned and very well executed/developed.
The plot about the origin of the gods and about the origin of the dragons that was showed in this chapter also was very interesting and well planned. Now, I'm really curious to see even more about the secrets behind the true origins of the dragon gods in the future chapters of this story(as well as to see which other important secrets the dragon gods are still hiding from the world for now).
Also, being sincere, I'm really anxious to also see how(in which manner) the dragons, the gods and the other supernatural beings will react when they discover that Issei is the current Sekiryuutei and when they also discover his true connection with Great Red. This moment/scene really will be very epic.
Better saying, it seems that all this entire conflict/battle between the dragons against the gods that is nearing will be truly very epic.
Then, please, if possible, also update the next chapter of this story soon too.

(IMPORTANT OBS!) - ALSO, once again, I'm really very sorry for be asking about this to you here, in the reviews, but REALLY PLEASE, answer the new PM/message that I sent to you recently as soon as possible, as soon as you are able.
I'm really very curious and anxious to read the answer for the new message/PM that I sent to you recently.
THEN, REALLY PLEASE, if possible, answer the new PM/message that I sent to you as soon as possible, as soon as you are able.
Yuu-Alter chapter 1 . 7/28
Oh boy chapter 14 . 7/28
YouNeverKnowMyDude chapter 14 . 7/28
loving it. im expecting the next chapter soon.
good work keep it up
chrislgerlach chapter 14 . 7/27
This story is definitely one of if not the best I’ve read on here. Reread it a couple of times already. I can’t wait for the next couple of chapters. Shit is about to go down
weaponizedtoast chapter 14 . 7/27
This story is real fucking good. I definitely recommend reading it.
SoftItalics chapter 14 . 7/26
Great Chapter! #FreeBaldur
YMCM chapter 14 . 7/24
This is the best HS DxD anfic I've read. The suspense for that ultimate death battle is killing me! I hope you update soon.
Rairi Valelira chapter 14 . 7/23
I love it, nya!
Dark R-Evolucion chapter 14 . 7/22
I love it. Something boring, but I still love it. I'm happy with your final note and what you say you are willing to write. Many writers are ashamed of this and even seem to fear the word "lemon", I am glad that you are not one of those cowards.

My only criticism is the little encounter Issei had against the Gods. Seriously, at the time I was expecting something more epic. Even the exchange against Ajuka was better.

This particular chapter raises several questions for me. And as the only answer for this being that Ophis fears is the Trihexa (my favorite Dragon God, I do not deny it). And I can not think of anyone else who is so powerful.

In any case, I hope to hear about this story soon and perhaps see a little more interaction between Issei Vali and Tiamat.

PS: Issei's personality is quite common in fandom, the typical rude punk who doesn't give a damn. To be honest, this is annoying, or at least, it seems to me.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/22
R0gueMess1ah chapter 14 . 7/20
As much as I am enjoying this story, please don’t make too many more chapters like chapter 14. It was hard to push through. I love history, but damn did it get boring and tiresome to read so much of these theories and all that other stuff. I understand the point, which is why I pushed through the chapter. I look forward to finally seeing the fight and Issei finally revealing himself.
leader.dbz chapter 14 . 7/18
I've been meaning to ask this for some time but always forgot.
Is Kokabiel going to kidnap and threaten Issei's parents when they come back from their vacation trip.
Kaijucifer chapter 14 . 7/18
Lemons would be good, but we need some actual romance first. Issei hasn't expressed any interest in any of his "Harem" yet, and it would be quite out of nowhere if he starts suddenly going to town with people he previously only thought were attractive. Rias is other only one thus far that has actually seriously appraised and it was just her hair. For the most part he doesnt seem that interested in any of the girls. So it's good you're finally gonna expand on that too.

So either Kokabiel is gonna do something and get Qlippoth involved, and thus they'll either use Samael or Trihexa.
After this is dealt with I fully expect the story to continue beyond that and more threats to deal with. Especially considering ExE in the LN takes place about 30 years from this point. I always love reading stories by people who are far into the LN as they tend to be more interesting than the standard Anime ones.
Kaijucifer chapter 13 . 7/17
Peculiar developments, let's see what happens next!
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