Reviews for Mystery of the Magic-Lands: The Sleeping Girl
TheDragonSaver chapter 12 . 7/20/2019
It's Disney time! I can't wait for Raymond/ Vex to interact with more Lion King Characters.

Also, I'd like to say that Simba's daughter is named "Kiara" as I noticed that you misspelled it. Other than that, a great chapter!
Luchux chapter 12 . 7/20/2019
Well, crap. Everyone is scattered to the winds, and trapped inside the disney movies. I'm wondering a lot of things now, like who's that new girl? Either way great chapter!
TheDragonSaver chapter 11 . 5/14/2019
Luchux chapter 11 . 3/26/2019
Did I mention how much I love this story? You never cease to amaze me with the stuff you pull off in this story, Disney musicals! I loved how you integrated them, and they wer3 so well done!
Never stop doing what you love! See you soon!
Demi Brackensick chapter 9 . 1/22/2019
And she’s back y’all! Woohoo!

So I sensing a little romance between Thalia/Raymond, and also Dakotah/Aoife?! Awwwww! I cannot wait to see what else you’ve cooked up! YASS!
WHYDOIEXIST chapter 1 . 1/22/2019
"You know there are times where before you say something, you gotta think hard and deep, because there's a greater possibility it is a reflection, of either the psyche, the character, the mentality and the person, or reflects a bit of background. And for fear of exposing where you come from, you think twice! And consider perspectives.""You know there are times where before you say something, you gotta think hard and deep, because there's a greater possibility it is a reflection, of either the psyche, the character, the mentality and the person, or reflects a bit of background. And for fear of exposing where you come from, you think twice! And consider perspectives.""You know there are times where before you say something, you gotta think hard and deep, because there's a greater possibility it is a reflection, of either the psyche, the character, the mentality and the person, or reflects a bit of background. And for fear of exposing where you come from, you think twice! And consider perspectives.""You know there are times where before you say something, you gotta think hard and deep, because there's a greater possibility it is a reflection, of either the psyche, the character, the mentality and the person, or reflects a bit of background. And for fear of exposing where you come from, you think twice! And consider perspectives."You know there are times where before you say something, you gotta think hard and deep, because there's a greater possibility it is a reflection, of either the psyche, the character, the mentality and the person, or reflects a bit of background. And for fear of exposing where you come from, you think twice! And consider perspectives.""You know there are times where before you say something, you gotta think hard and deep, because there's a greater possibility it is a reflection, of either the psyche, the character, the mentality and the person, or reflects a bit of background. And for fear of exposing where you come from, you think twice! And consider perspectives.""
Luchux chapter 9 . 1/22/2019
Hell, yeah! This chapter was just what I needed, thank you! I loved the whole touchy-feely part of it and my stomach-ached self appreciated it a lot, lol. Good luck with the next one and see you soon!
Ps: Sorry for the short review, I'm writing this a 9 AM.
TheDragonSaver chapter 9 . 1/21/2019
So glad to see you back! Also, this chapter was great. Now the kids are getting closer to each other, and the magic is getting stronger. Ready to see more...
Chirithy564 chapter 8 . 5/31/2018
Yaaaaaay! Another great chapter! I loved it!

I'm glad the sleeping girl has at least a name now. Sophia is a pretty name.

I think Thalia/Raymond and Dakota/Aoifa are adorable ships! Heck even Jack the splats/Sophia are a cute ship in my book! They are cute matches! XD

Also little Silva is adorable. I loved how Ray and her get a long great! So cute XD

Poor Ray. She really wants that team name! Lol don't worry Ray, maybe eventually you guys will have a team name. Just believe!

Love the story! Can't wait for the next chapter keep that awesome imagination flowing! :D
Luchux chapter 8 . 5/31/2018
Hmmmmm. Aisen and Sophia? ... I ship it!(well that depends on how old is the girl, if she's less than 10 then I said nothing). The others seemed to enjoy their detention, and we got to know things about them. Aoife liking musicals? I didn't expect that.
I can't wait for nexr chapter!
Demi Brackensick chapter 8 . 5/30/2018
You're back! YAY!

Whoa! Okay, so they ended up finding the Mystery girl...and she's awake! Not to mention, the flashing lights and lightening bolts? Things are starting to get suspicious here...Gahh! So many questions I have that still need to be answered! And SQUEEE! Okay, can I just say that I'm a sucker when it comes to shipping certain couples?! After reading this, i literally am already shipping Raymond&Thalia, as well as Aiofe&Dakotah! I'm not sure where you're planning on taking things, but I cannot wait to read more about these characters and their journey!

Update soon my friend!:-)
Demi Brackensick chapter 7 . 3/31/2018
When Disney attacks?!

Wow! What is going on here?! Loved Thalia's outfit in her dream! And Dakotah was great as always! Can't wait to find out what's going to happen next! Update soon!
Chirithy564 chapter 7 . 3/30/2018
(Raises hands up like a monster) "WHEN DISNEY ATTACKS!" XD

This chapter was really good, intense, and scary! Beloved Disney characters attacking in dreams? shocking and interesting...

Hmm. I wonder what kinda of history do Mrs J and Ms Hir have? I'm so curious! This plot is getting awesome by each chapter! I love it!

Also, I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Ray's outfit in Neverland! It's really interesting! I think I'm gonna do a fan art drawling because I love to so much lol XD

Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter! Keep up the awesome work!
TheDragonSaver chapter 7 . 3/29/2018
This is getting interesting. The teachers are handing something, and the kids are having weird dreams lately.

(Cue Kingdom Hearts Music)

Anyway, can't wait to see where this goes!
Luchux chapter 7 . 3/29/2018
Wow. Just... wow. The title now makes sence. But I find it strange that Aisen encountered Shadow Man instead of Naveen or Tiana... huh, his element IS darkness after all. Things just got very interesting.
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