Reviews for Sounds of Affection
Hon-Hon77 chapter 7 . 3/2/2018
nnahw this little story was perfect to read , really like youre style. im not really into this shipping but it was well written so i could feel with them and thats something not every ff could doso thanks for this work
xYukiNoYume chapter 7 . 11/21/2017
Aww 3 what a perfect ending to finish the story with a lot of fluff but without going too far. I honestly liked that the whole situation was received as 'strange' and 'out of the blue' by Gladio and Noct. This way it was much more reliable and didn't feel forced. Even tough Ignis and Prompto still aren't my favorite pairing, I can't help but simply adore how cute they are together in this story! :3
xYukiNoYume chapter 6 . 11/17/2017
Oops just realized that I forgot to log in when I commented on the last chapter (the panicking-alongside-Ignis-guest was me) xD Well, this fic deserves nice comments, no matter whether you know who they're from or not ;)

Aww! The hand-holding in the end was so cute! :3 I'm really curious how the other two will react once they notice that there is something going on between Prompto and Ingis. On one hand I think it's a pity that this story is already ending, but on the other hand I'm looking forward to see how it ends and I seriously can't wait for the other pairing-stories to come :D
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 6 . 11/16/2017
Who will bring up Prom and Iggy's growing relationship? ;) Adorable with the hand-holding and I can see them cuddled by the campfire and curled up next to each other in the tent. Relieved to see that awful gash on Prompto's arm finally get attention, that had to hurt like hell! _. I can't blame Noct for nearly getting panicky earlier either; not knowing what's happened to a close friend is awful. But they're all back together and safe (for the moment)! It'll be sad to see this fic end; very much looking forward to seeing how these two decide to handle their romance :)
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 5 . 11/11/2017
Trapped, injured and now being rained on; our poor bros! I'd prefer rain over fire, though. Can't blame Noct for being near panic at not knowing how Iggy and Prompto are faring. Their emerging relationship is so sweet...hauling yourself through wreckage while blind and carrying your injured friend? Ignis has an impressive reserve of fortitude. And he fought off a daemon! I liked seeing him able to handle himself and get out of trouble on his own. And that kiss from Prompto! So many fanart-worthy moments in this story! Very nice to wake up and see this waiting to read :D
Guest chapter 5 . 11/11/2017
I really panicked alongside Ignis when he dropped Prompto and couldn't find him right away :O
you wrote it so nicely when the two of them show each other some affection, I'm looking forward to the next chapter :)
markofthemoros chapter 4 . 11/10/2017
w00p! Like, I got the chills so bad, and that cliffhanger! Ah, I wanted to cry at the reactions. Ignis, darling, don't despair, not yet! You can still protect him! You can still spellcast, rite?!
Gal, do excuse my fangasm here. But this!
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 4 . 11/6/2017
Being deaf or blind in a situation like this would be terrifying...not knowing if you called for help loud enough or being able to tell where you were or if you had been trapped beneath an unstable "cave" of debris. And that glass in Prom's arm! *cringe* I accidentally stuck myself with scissors once when I was a kid, I imagine this would feel similar _ . At least Iggy and Prom have each other! Prompto is going to need a hospital for the massive blood loss-not sure what's worse, pulling the glass out or leaving it in to avoid further bleeding. Very much looking forward to the fluff; these two deserve as much as possible :)
xYukiNoYume chapter 4 . 11/6/2017
I must say I was really sceptical about this pairing, but I'm starting to like it (at least in this fic) - good job! ;)
I really liked this chapter, I just love when Ignis gets all caring D
I'm looking forward to the next chapter! :3
(And I'm so excited for the other paring stories you've mentioned!)
eyeore1994 chapter 4 . 11/5/2017
Oh my god, wake up prompto! Gladio, noct, find them!
Holy crap so good. Can't wait for the next chapter!.
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 3 . 11/2/2017
Things are ramping up for the guys! I hope Prom doesn't lose his phone since it's the best way he has to communicate, if not the only way. Ardyn and the empire have caught up to our bros-does Prompto end up going into the wilderness and eventually the Gralea lab? Ignis must be thoroughly disoriented; not only is he blind but falling without notice would have me fighting panic especially if I got hurt in the process. And his plea to Prompto! If Ardyn sees how close they become later on I don't want to imagine the torment he'd be happy to provide. The scenes of the little important things like Iggy gently running his hand through Prom's hair are one of my favorite things about this story :D
Nyvien chapter 2 . 10/30/2017
Heyyy~~~ It's been a while! I got back into fanfics again, and I have all of your stories bookmarked, just waiting to be read. (It'll take some time though, since you are a fast writer). But I wanted to let you know I really like this idea, and I like where this is going. I look forward to more!
Bagpipes5K2 chapter 2 . 10/30/2017
If I could hug a fic, I'd be doing it to this one! Everything's perfectly balanced without being sappy or unrealistic. Utterly love the interaction between Prom and Iggy. And it's fitting that Prompto figures out using voice-to-text! Our genius technophile sunshine at work :D The dynamic between them reminds me of a very old movie I saw once; one of the last silent films to be made (bear with me here ;) ). It's called Wings and is about WWI and the battles fought. Somehow they even had actual footage added to the movie, and in one of these scenes are two soldiers trying to get home. One has been blinded but can still walk. His friend can still see but can't walk due to injuries. So his blind friend carries him on his back and the two slowly make their way forwards, one companion guiding the other that can't see. (Another side note: this movie also featured the first same-sex kiss on film, which makes the comparison to the upcoming romance between Prom and Iggy in this story even more appropriate :) ) I want more of this awesome fic! :D
Yurosoku chapter 2 . 10/30/2017
Tension is rising, and with the way things are heading, its gonna get a lot harder...
chaede chapter 1 . 10/29/2017
I’ve been reading your stuff over on AO3, so I’m very interested to see what you have in store. It’ll probably be distressing for Noctis and Prompto being able to speak, but only one able to do it correctly (not slurred or a little mispronounced) and hear what’s being said.
I see a lot of deafness fics wherein the non-hearing character lip-reads. People strongly underestimate how difficult that is. It doesn’t work irl. There’s a reason we have sign languages.
Anyway, I’m glad to see this, and I hope you’ll take this realistically!
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