Reviews for Lincoln the Vampire Slayer
Guest chapter 21 . 10/18/2019
What if there was an alternate version of this storyline where the sisters do get turned into vampires but there's some kind of magical energy hidden inside of Lincoln that automatically brings the Loud sisters back to their senses. Throughout most of the storyline the main antagonist makes different attempts to try and eliminate Lincoln in order to bring the sisters back under his or her control. The sisters however, would use their vampire abilities to try and protect Lincoln while also trying to find a way to turn themselves back into humans, as well as finding a way to get rid of the villain behind it all.
burtonfan422 chapter 21 . 3/7/2019
Once again great story. Lincoln and Clyde now have (in my opinion) trophies to beat just about the rest of the Loud sister's trophy case. (Hey, Lincoln saved the world.) Great Cast and Soundtrack credit. It was awesome how Royal Woods held a delayed Halloween, and recognized Lincoln as the hero. It's good he forgave anyone, after all they were under mind-control. Loved Fangs resting on Lincoln's arm. Really great story. If you ever get a chance, check out zachlor16, he's got a cool vampire story with the Loud kids as well
burtonfan422 chapter 20 . 3/7/2019
I liked what everyone said, I hope the Sunguard can find something. Also, did Lincoln's clothes come off when he was a vampire? Why is he naked all of a sudden?
burtonfan422 chapter 19 . 3/7/2019
I played Leatherwolf's song for this like you suggested it was great! I liked in the beginning how the sister's saw the error of their ways, and Fenrir coming to fight Vlad and Meela. I forgot to mention in my previous review how I liked the idea of Lincon and Clyde becoming werewolves. This has been a great story, and of course, Lincoln has the final laugh with plunging a stake in Vlad's chest, all vampire movies have to end that way
burtonfan422 chapter 18 . 3/6/2019
I forgot to mention the werewolves vs. gargoyles as well thing! This battle is still awesome! Hearing Cayden and his parents fight it out and release tension is perfect!
burtonfan422 chapter 17 . 3/6/2019
This was awesome! Werewolves vs. Vampires, (Twilight could learn from this, this is a true battle). Great soundtrack too.
burtonfan422 chapter 16 . 3/6/2019
Let the battle begin!
burtonfan422 chapter 15 . 3/4/2019
It was nice seeing Albert in the story. Vlad really is a cruel despicable creature, he only brought the parents back so he could use them for his advantage. I've got a guy feeling he may be using the sisters as well.
burtonfan422 chapter 14 . 3/4/2019
Cayden and his team are getting ready for action, the tension is rising. It's amazing that Burpin' Burger would still be standing though. Short chapter, but good
burtonfan422 chapter 13 . 2/27/2019
I like wolves, and I like that you cast Liam Neeson (one of my favorite actors) as Fenrir here. I forgot to mention this in my previous review but if I had a voice like Mr. Neeson's guiding me inside my head, I would always feel calm, knowing there's something to help me. I like this story.
burtonfan422 chapter 12 . 2/27/2019
I liked this chapter, Lincoln and his sisters flying through the air, that was described beautifully! It's nice that Ronnie Anne is now in the story
burtonfan422 chapter 11 . 2/27/2019
Wow! Lincoln is in Ganondorf's armor and is now "accepting" a role as the prince of darkness. I fear what might come next
burtonfan422 chapter 10 . 2/15/2019
They seem to spend a lot of time in that steam room
burtonfan422 chapter 7 . 2/15/2019
Not to be a nitpicker, but in the previous chapter, it's suggested Lori was carrying Clyde, but now he's still with the vampire hunters. I liked how Lincoln interacted with his sisters here, even they're now the evil undead, they still legitimately care for him
burtonfan422 chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
I like the characters' backstories, and they just proved how badass they are against the gargoyles, I definitely want them right next to me when I face the forces of darkness!
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