Reviews for Alexander Doom
A Simple Library chapter 2 . 6/20


Master One chapter 3 . 6/6
when will be the update?
kohatchko chapter 3 . 5/23
Aww man, so little of a great story. The only other one that I found was Xander was the son of Doom.
Lord Mortensen chapter 3 . 5/7
Today I discover this story, and I thinks it is awesome! but you have 2 years without updating...
please update it soon! I cant wait to read the next chaper!
A Simple Library chapter 3 . 4/11
god! god! god! Please come back to this! i have a sniper aiming at your head right now and he is not afraid to shoot! Don't bother looking, he's super well hidden! Now get your ass on the computer and start typing! JK though, please come back. I want more!
Holymann22 chapter 3 . 3/25
This story is amazing and is totally worthy of an update!
kenmadragon chapter 3 . 3/22
Man, this is great stuff! I just wish there was more...
Jason Vander Vlugt chapter 3 . 3/21
this is brilliant I was smiling the whole time I was reading
CthuluWarlock chapter 3 . 2/21
I love this so far please continue
Mastersgtjames chapter 3 . 1/17
3 things
1. Cloning and DNA tampering are a serious threat in both DC AND Marvel. No way DOOM would not have made Policing MC's DNA a priority first thing. So Luthor would not have found ANYTHING.
2. Both MC AND Ultron would be constantly watching Cadmus and Luthor considering the world shatteringly stupid/dangerous things they regularly get up to. So no way would they be able to clone him.
3. MC is just a normal human, (combined with a bit of shark). His intelligence was GIFTED by Doom. It is not inherent or natural to his DNA. So any clone would just be a normal person. (with a side of fish)
Mastersgtjames chapter 2 . 1/17
MC should make organic nanites that operate like AMAZO's. so he can copy the abilities of others, without their weaknesses. As well as improving both those abilities and himself.
Also, Hoping author adds more chapters. Not enough DOOM fics.
Lonely Samurai chapter 3 . 11/30/2019
is this droped or what
trigy898 chapter 3 . 11/26/2019
I adore this story. I think it is brilliantly written, has an interesting and unusual storyline and premise, and manages to make an OP protagonist who is actually good. In fact those statements can probably be made for all of your stories. The only real issue I have with you, is how little of your work there actually is, when you updated your profile earlier this year I was super excited to see more of your work but it looks like it hasn't gone anywhere and that is sad, it's sad because you are a brilliant talented writer with great ideas. So please, pick up writing again because the world is a better place with good stories in it.
Spirit Of The Black Wolf chapter 3 . 11/20/2019
I really hope you update a new chapter for this it very good story and very funny I've had a chuckle over ultron remarks. I truly hope you come back to this someday. I'm hopeful that Alexander Doom will become a hero in this story.
PGHammer chapter 2 . 11/13/2019
Sneaky, sensitive - and it's even been done before - three different ways at minimum. (Consider no less than the original Bat-Computer of the "Justice League" movie - how did it get the leverage it did as far as Gotham's crooks?) Than there is Brainiac (DC Universe Online); it didn't JUST backtrace the Bat-Computer 2.0) - it backtraced the Society as well (which is why both Oracle AND Calculator - the chiefs of cyberops of the respective sides - were on the case). Last - and far from least - there is the Society itself - and how Calculator and Oracle "cybermet". (Fire up the Google-fu and chase down Calculator's history; yes, he has one. Even better (and easier); create a DC Universe Online account - if you don't have one - and create a Society character; there are four platforms to choose from - pick one that matches your hardware. Cost (other than the hardware) - none.)
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