Reviews for Big Brother: Episode TAG - Grandma Tourismo
Gumnut chapter 1 . 9/15/2018
I agree it makes more sense for Virgil to be the middle child. He looks younger than John in TAG and it really does seem that he is younger.

Lovely fic. I particularly love the manhandling :D And Eos’ mischeviousness :D Hmm, manhandling...

Thankyou so much for writing and sharing.

(Off the edge, but learning to fly)
Lady Razorsharp chapter 1 . 3/13/2018
Awww! That was precious. 3
Photowizard17 chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
Ahhhh I see what you did there! Clever. I liked it!
DarkestWolfx chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
This is brilliant - I am so glad you did post it!

"EOS, are you rebelling?" - Fantastic line! A very neat explanation for that "big brother" line too. It didn't sit right with me either, just appearing out of the blue like that, as I too have always seen Virgil as the middle child.

I really enjoyed this whole piece, it's a really nice read. Good work!
Minimam chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
Brilliant wee tale. I always thought of Virgil as the middle child but he certainly acts like a big brother x
lilidelafield chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
Hahahaha! I love this. That big brother' line irked me a I have always understood Virgil to be the middle brother too. (I also thought grandma's name was Ruth? Although, I do prefer Sally as it happens).
This was great and a really imaginative way of explaining that line.
crystalquirt chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
What a fun story! I enjoyed it very much. I've always heard that Virgil is the middle brother. Even when I heard Virgil call him big brother, I assumed it was because he is literally the big brother, even 'bigger' and stronger than even Scott. I don't think it matters if others did something similar either - we are all borrowing from the real TAG or TOS, right? [and without reading the others, I know you would do it better, :) I like the situation you came up with to illustrate why John would call Virgil the big brother, even if he isn't the oldest, or older than John at least.
beanie168 chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
Great fix-it, spot on.
Bow Echo chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
Brilliant, and my take too. Virgil at times becomes big brother too all, even Scott with his impulsive nature needs reining in by a 'big brother' by proxy, like in the epic recharge ep. Love your portrayal of Eos, who becomes parent when needed. Roles shift and swap to provide each member of the family exactly what they need.