Reviews for Science and Madness
thegoldenboy2188 chapter 24 . 7/1
Hey dude! I PMed you can you please respond back.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/20
La historia está abandonada?
Me gustó mucho! En realidad es genial
Guest chapter 24 . 5/16
Okay, so, 24 chapters later I needed to write my review.

This. Was. Awesome.
And so much goddamn chemistry Im getting college flashbacks. Seriously man do you have a PhD?

I loved this story, all its incredible twists and turns, and I audibly cried at Vera's death. A small part of me wished Ainz never revived her and Wesley would use the radioactive isotope to create a dirty bomb in E-Rantel. Nevertheless, this story was beautiful. Absolutely amazing.
Unsettling-A.I.R chapter 24 . 3/27
Holy shit! This was awesome, a light novel retelling of A Connecticut Yankee and I loved every second of it. Poor Wesley, he worked himself to the bone to get where he was only those shitstain magicians to rain on his parade. Then the meet up with Ainz...While Ainz can be somewhat likeable I love how in here he is portrayed as someone with so much power yet none of the wisdom to use it, a truly incompetent ruler held only the the innertia of his power and overcompetence of his servants. I love and hate this, when the truly smart guy that wants to fix the world runs into the lucky OverPowered chuniibyo salary man that can't understand the gravity of his actions. I can only hope that you continue this story and somehow allow our MC the power to lay Nazarick to waste, or at least make that bone head Momonga realize who he is dealing with, I mean, he was a regular salary man, how in the hell he can't recognize the top man in the food chain?

Well, till next time!
Your's truly
Guest chapter 24 . 2/1
Kathadoryan chapter 10 . 1/7
That battle was a little riveting, i was totally expecting Sebas to pop in at the last moment. Good thing Wesley wasn't there to kill them.
Guest chapter 24 . 8/19/2019
Continúe please AND read dr stone
Guest chapter 24 . 7/19/2019
Tras the manga of dr. Stone
DanSilverjay chapter 24 . 6/28/2019
Hi there

Still looking forward to the next update. Will you continue writing this fanfic, TheBlight?

LogicalWriter chapter 24 . 6/28/2019
Guest chapter 24 . 6/22/2019
Continue, please
Guest chapter 24 . 6/21/2019
An amazing story. It took me nearly two days of nonstop reading but this story was worth the sleep deprivation. I Give it an A. I love the concept of a complete genuse being flung into a world of magic and then trying to make sense of said magic while. And to top it all off to be repeatedly tormented by magic casters and other being who defy logic.
Guest chapter 24 . 5/17/2019
Lee la nueva novela que sacaron es el mismo nuevo mundo pero con la única diferencia es que ainz llegó 200 o más años antes y solo, y sabrás sobre seres que pueden hacerle frente, el alcance de la magia salvaje y más del alcance del poder de ainz
Guest chapter 24 . 5/11/2019
Looking forward to the next chapter
Guest chapter 24 . 5/10/2019
No olvides que quizá a ainz no le guste del todo los motores a gasolina con eso de la contaminación y que no querrá que el nuevo mundo termine como la tierra en lo referente a contaminacion
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