Reviews for Not All Those Who Wander
Naunet42 chapter 1 . 10/30/2019
How did he get the name, I want to know! :) love the story
Alex chapter 1 . 4/30/2019
So lovely! You have such a way with words, and stories.
Lissien chapter 1 . 6/29/2018
Oh, I love this!
I love the observer kind of stories, where we get to see the characters from the point of view of someone who doesn't know them (or, in this case, only knows who they show themselves to be). It's always amusing!
To see the Rangers through the eyes of Butterbur was most amusing. Though I do wonder what their meeting was about and how Heavyhand got his name. And the stories behind Quickdraw and Sharpeye must be marvelous to read as well.
Should you ever choose to write them, you would find a reader here.
I loved this!
LadyOfAnfalas chapter 1 . 1/14/2018
It's nice to see the rangers interacting with someone who appreciates their work, though in a very limited way. And I'd love to read some more ranger stories from you, they're one of my favorite ME cultures.
wotumba1 chapter 1 . 12/3/2017
gotta love them rangers!
sailor68 chapter 1 . 11/6/2017
Thank you for this great story! Poor Rangers, they really do not have an easy task, protecting people who do not trust them.
ScribeofHeroes chapter 1 . 11/4/2017
I would love it if you posted more stories with these characters and explain a few things: the important topic of conversation between these four rangers and their need to meet, if quickdraw and Sharpeye are brothers, how they got these names, and who archer is. I'd also like a whole story made of Daisy's rescue! :D

I'm also glad however, you resisted explaining everything here and stuck to your artistic decision of limited perspective. :) I also understand if you cannot write and post these other stories right away. I'm not doing so well in updating myself.

I like to play with this idea in my own head as well. "Sons of forgotten kings wandering in the wilderness, guarding from evil things folk that are heedless" must be to a fanfiction writer's imagination what a spark is to tinder. Your piece may even inspire me to try my hand at posting and writing such a thing. Perhaps it will spill life into my other stories again as well. :)

God Bless
disneylover115 chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
An excellent one shot.
The language here was articulate, and your characters had excellent characterization.
I especially enjoyed Daisy's character, and hope she will be in future stories.
I enjoyed this story and look forward to reading more fics from you.
Keep writing:)
Your fanfiction friend,
meldahlie chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
And I, like Daisy, am so looking forward to next time! I loved the way Butterbur feels like he's walked in on a Privy council meeting ;)
RuneRuthie chapter 1 . 11/3/2017
Thank you for the story!
I also really like the story of Rangers and glad that I found this one. It is a very sweet story, and perfect for a rainy day (and I just had such a day). Is Heavyhand Halbarad? I think that is (maybe?) the only ranger name we know from book who is not older than Aragorn. I would love to hear how Heavyhand got his name. And indeed I was thinking about their names when I was reading - such interesting names and names with stories behind.
I like your portrayal of Barliman a lot, although I imagined him to be more talkative. Maybe as you said, his was in awe of these rangers but mistrust them, and wouldn't have more to do with them. "Barliman started and fled." That would be my favorite sentence of the story. XD