Reviews for An Education
IAMASCANDALLOVER chapter 9 . 7/31
TheBeautifulOnes please continue this story...Your fans are begging...
Damn chapter 9 . 7/26
This Right Wing Nutjobs spoil everything good!

I'm sure you were troll targeted bc you were telling the story of the current administration. I should've read Chapt 9 before Chapter 5 ... 2 know there'd be little respite frm the Acute Traumatic Stress that is GOPtWmPutinCoupOfDemocracy.

I do hope you do continue & just mute, block or report trolls if such options exist in FF.
Well Well chapter 4 . 7/26
I've been ignoring your Author's Notes bc I incorrectly surmised your were being overly cautious blue to the subject matter, but ... RL trolls have been nitpicking about a superior fictional handling of a very heinous, traumatic event.

Whomever you are you are doing a masterful job, speaking as both a past victim & proximal professional exposure to how both predators & victims process this sexually violent power rush.

You have my respect & admiration.

Carry on being awesome.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/26
Congratulations on motherhood and a the successes you've achieved.
Guest chapter 9 . 7/25
Any one sending u messages to go kill yourself are edjits
Kam1113 chapter 9 . 7/26
I'm an attorney and I think you have done a very good job with this story so far - the portrayal of Olivia's responses to the attack and the way things changed with the entrance of Gloria Bloom ring particularly true to life unfortunately. Please finish it and ignore any ugly reviews. There are lots of people out there jealous of talents like yours.
Olivia Delgado chapter 9 . 7/26
update please Chelsea ,you have a nice name
KStoryteller chapter 9 . 7/25
I just reread the story and I'm so sorry for all the hate you received. This is such an original and well-written story, and if you choose to rework it send update, that will be such a treat.

Congratulations on being a new mommy!
noro chapter 9 . 7/25
I really hope you update soon great work
jennkyle chapter 9 . 7/25
Well first congrats on becoming a mom and don't let the troll take something you love to do away from you I hope you do come back sometime
sister1256 chapter 9 . 7/25
Thanks babygirl for reaching out!
Guest chapter 8 . 1/20/2019
This is how money talks big senators congressman all of them big money they can cover up their s*** that is so ridiculous I feel so sorry for Olivia and I hope the grant the 63 year old man nasty old man gets what's coming to him I hope there's more soon I really like the story it sounds very very real in today's world cuz this is the way it works Money Talks
Suzan chapter 8 . 8/11/2018
Plz update this story it so good.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/28/2018
Where are the rest of the chapters? I saw additional chapters somewhere but don’t remember under what name?
Guest chapter 8 . 1/24/2018
Update this story!
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