Reviews for Knocking on Heaven's Door
ndravenx chapter 2 . 12/6/2019
I just finished chapter 2 and I'm curious if this is a sequel to a different story. I feel like I just started reading in the middle. How did they fall in love? How did the get out of the cage? What did Lucifer have to do to be welcomed back to heaven. I feel like a huge chunk of this story is missing.
willows dancing in the wind chapter 43 . 2/25/2019
Are you planning to write another story in this series? You really should. There's still a lot to explore. What Sam did would cause a lot of trauma that he needs to work through more than fighting to come out of a catatonic state. That's just my opinion though.
willows dancing in the wind chapter 28 . 2/25/2019
Cas has his wings! Hurray!
Rafaela Amanda chapter 43 . 7/24/2018
My God! I am completely devastated by the end of this story, so it took me so long to comment, I had to take the time to absorb everything and accept that there will be no more stories in this universe that I love so much.
I do not know where to start praising, I feel that anything I say will not be enough to express how much I loved this whole universe and how much this story matters to me, with such a beautiful, exciting ending and breaking the really heart really
Very sad to know how Dean is dealing with Sam's lack, but very believable, considering how much he needs his brother.
And it's also being difficult for Bobby, of course, I enjoyed showing you that, too.
It was really difficult months for everyone
I really enjoyed you inserting God into the story and how much he helped Sam too, how much he cares about Sam
I liked Bobby's reunion with Sam, of course Sam was going to apologize for what he did and I liked how Bobby responded to that, guaranteed that there was nothing to be forgiven
I liked them hugging and Bobby comforting Sam, the boy needed this, this hug and emotional comfort
And the reunion with Castiel has only proved to me, how good and kind Sam is, for forgiveness, even though Castiel has often had some dubious attitudes throughout history, but my Sam, as sweet and good as he is Of course he was going to apologize
Besides, of course, I liked how Lucifer was there all the time, giving support and support to his boyfriend.
I also liked Bobby to understand how much this is being difficult for Sam to overcome
I liked Dean's realization that only Lucifer understands what it's like to be without Sam, how unmanageable it is, and why he could not talk about Sam with others
I liked how you described him having nightmares about what happened to Sam's head and the empty stare he had there
I liked how Gabriel broke the news to Dean and prevented him from going to see Sam drunk the way he is, it was good advice, I liked Gabriel to have had the perception of knowing that it would not be good for either of the brothers if Sam saw his injured and drunk brother and how he knows that Dean will need to be calm for this meeting because Sam is still fragile
I liked Dean more calmly when he learned that God had helped his brother and how he thanked him
I also liked how Dean was worried about what Sam might think of him, realizing how Dean dealt with his absence, it's so nice to see how much he cares about what his brother will find and how he admits he may also need Sam to help him recover
And finally the long-awaited reunion between the brothers, I liked it too much, how Dean realized at the time it was Sam there, body and mind, it was so cute he said 'Sammy', too exciting the way Sam fell on the floor of so much emotion and as soon Dean reacted and held his brother in his arms, with one hand on the head and another on the back, was so good description you made that moment
How did that make Dean remember Cold Oak, but that now his brother was alive and crying in his arms
And poor Sam of course, apologizing and crying a lot, but I liked how Dean soothed him with soft words for a long time and only pulled away a little when he saw that Sam was calmer
I liked how he asked Sam not to apologize and how now everything was fine, that he was at home and that's what matters
And as Dean told Sam not to leave him again, never again.
I liked everything, this scene was completely exciting, beautiful and very well described
I found it cute when Dean suggested they go back inside because Lucifer was getting worried
I liked how Lucifer took Sam's hand when they came in.
And I really enjoyed how Dean thanked Lucifer for bringing his brother back and also for saving him and the way Lucifer was peaceful now that Sam was back with him
I liked Dean's conclusion of how complete it is now that Sam was back.
Anyway, I said before, I can not express how much this whole story represents for me
It was an incredible, exciting, sensitive and very beautiful ending.
I understand your side, and how hard it must be to write all this, in such an incredible and well-written way, I know you must do a great job, but know that it was worth all the effort and that you managed to thrill and involve many people in this universe
That said, I can only say that while I was completely satisfied with this end, at the same time I am also extremely sad and devastated to imagine that I will not read more of this universe, I have not yet recovered
But I understand why you want to end here and I can only thank you, thank you very much for the opportunity to have read this wonderful story that has aroused me so many emotions, I will miss it really.
alaskanbirdfriend chapter 43 . 7/17/2018
hhhuuhhipuertiuhqeriv quri uohtiomqeriueioquwrimvqmioeuwioqvw



Dazzle2002 chapter 43 . 7/15/2018
Aah! This was great! :D
His reunion with Cas made me very happy... Hahahahaha
Obviously all his reunions made me very happy, but Cas just throwing himself at him made me smile! :)
SPN Mum chapter 43 . 7/14/2018
I think it was awesome that God stuck around to talk to Sam after He brought Sam and Lucifer home to Bobby's. I agree with Gabriel, as I think God has a soft spot for Sam and Dean too. I think that even with all of the mistakes those two have made, they are the closest to what God intended for humanity. Sam might have been afraid of his welcome by his family, but he needn't have been. They love him beyond what happened, as family should, and they are just happy to finally have Sam home with them again. Gabriel did good when he went to inform Dean of Sam's return. It was smart making Dean clean up and drive to Bobby's, because it gave Dean time to absorb that Sam was home, and to prepare for seeing Sam again. I think they will all be more mindful of their actions now, after this. I have a feeling that God will be keeping an eye on them all too. lol
ncsupnatfan chapter 43 . 7/14/2018
Great, great , great. You did it justice. NC
CBloom2 chapter 43 . 7/14/2018
Fantastic epilogue! The reunion was spot on. I look forward to the next one x
VegasGranny chapter 43 . 7/14/2018
Sad to see the series end, but it was wonderful to take the journey with you. Thank you :)
alaskanbirdfriend chapter 42 . 7/12/2018





VegasGranny chapter 42 . 7/12/2018
I finally caught up with this story to this update. I love the way God has been helping Sam heal by knowing what he needs, and now taking them back home. This was such a gentle chapter. Can't wait for the homecoming!
SPN Mum chapter 42 . 7/11/2018
I love the conversations God has with Lucifer now! I think Sam was absorbing who Micah was for awhile there, because he couldn't believe that God would have any interest in lowly Sam Winchester, even though he knew that Micah couldn't be anyone else. It was important for Sam to hear and see that everyone that loves him has already forgiven him, that his family just wants him to be well and returned to them. It was so special for Sam to see his tiger, and it was important that God gave him the tiger's visit at the end of his stay in the Cage. It showed Sam, and Lucifer, that God had been listening to Sam's stories too, and He knew how important the expeience could be for Sam. I can't wait for everyone back home to see Sam again, and for Sam to finally accept forgiveness.
CBloom2 chapter 42 . 7/11/2018
Aww Sam is going home - I can't wait!
ncsupnatfan chapter 42 . 7/11/2018
Great chapter as always and liked how slowly Sam came back. So one more and it will be over? Has been a good ride. NC
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