Reviews for Divergent
ananobanana chapter 24 . 7/27
OHMYGOD! I casually checked on here with zero hope, thought maybe I’d re-read some old chapters and found it updated and I cannot believe how happy I am, it’s a little ridiculous.
I’ll leave a better review later for sure but what always stood out for me with this story was the tenderness between Kakashi and Tsunade in a world that has been very harsh and unforgiving to the both of them. How they’ve sort of become each other’s safe space in such a natural way when their relationship seems so unnatural at first glance. I can’t wait for more, hopefully you update this sooner than later. Thank you so so much for this!
FireShadow5 chapter 24 . 6/26
I read the first couple chapters of this story a while ago, and I finally had time to binge-read the rest today. I was totally hooked! You do a great job of delving into deep issues and making readers feel what the characters are feeling. I admit, I did skip over the sex scenes as they aren't my thing, but honestly, I couldn't stop reading.

I love this take on Tsunade and Kakashi's relationship. You portray their struggles and the way they relate to each so well. Especially these last few chapters, where you can see their relationship growing deeper and more intimate, gave me all the feels. That scene in the hospital, when Kakashi was talking to Tsunade... my heart couldn't take it.

I'm totally dreading what Kakashi's going to do to get more money. And, I admit, I'm liking Minato so far, but obviously I'm shipping Kakash/Tsunade here. Oh, and I have to add, I'm really enjoying how you wrote Orochimaru (and Mei!) in this story. I always felt like he had a bit of soft spot for Tsunade.

I'm glad you're back! Please, keep going! :)
MeticulousNotoriety chapter 24 . 6/26
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! This whole story is absolutely brilliant! The way you have described each and every one of the characters is perfect! Damn.. Kakashi jealous of Minato. I hope he doesn't break her heart :(
Miss Laury chapter 24 . 6/26
yay im happy you’re back!welp, i think it’s safe to say that kakashi has developed some sort of romantic feelings for tsunade and maybe vice versa. the development in everyone’s feelings is done so well. while im usually kind of annoyed at rin most of the time in this story because of her jealously and somewhat neediness for kakashi, I’m glad she stood up and put shizune in her place. and jeee i feel bad for obito, I wonder when rin will start to take notice of his feelings. hmmm minato and tsunade, that’s gonna be interesting for kakashi. i hope kakashi and shizune won’t fall back into another relationship, they’re not really on the same page with each other. anyway, thanks for updating and publishing this amazing chapter! stay safe
Guest chapter 24 . 6/26
This was a great chapter and I really like story, looking forward to more (hopefully) :)
Miss Laury chapter 24 . 6/25
yay im happy you’re back!welp, i think it’s safe to say that kakashi has developed some sort of romantic feelings for tsunade and maybe vice versa. the development in everyone’s feelings is done so well. while im usually kind of annoyed at rin most of the time in this story because of her jealously and somewhat neediness for kakashi, I’m glad she stood up and put shizune in her place. and jeee i feel bad for obito, I wonder when rin will start to take notice of his feelings. hmmm minato and tsunade, that’s gonna be interesting for kakashi. i hope kakashi and shizune won’t fall back into another relationship, they’re not really on the same page with each other. anyway, thanks for updating and publishing this amazing chapter! stay safe
wjsteez chapter 24 . 6/25
welcome back! i'm glad that it's being continued, it's really well written :D
U3fan chapter 24 . 6/25
Rin actually wanting to help Tsunade... That is surprising. But only to help Kakashi so maybe not that surprising. Minato better not play Tsunade either. He seems genuine so far. Looks like Kakashi is coming to terms with some feelings too
Q chapter 24 . 6/25
Im proud of Kakashi’s friends for standing up on Kakashi’s behalf. I’m particularly proud of Rin for especially calling out Shizune.
Miss Laury chapter 1 . 3/25
Keep going! I love this
Guest chapter 23 . 2/3
Too bad this was never continued. :( It’s so well written.
emanabedzanoun chapter 1 . 10/31/2019
very nice story I hope you continue writing it I wait for a long time please continue It is one of the best stories I have read that I hope you to complete
Guest chapter 1 . 10/27/2019
I hope you continue with this story! There’s not many kakashi/Tsuande fics out there, but I would say this one is the best! Keep it up!
Tsuyna chapter 23 . 10/24/2019
j'adore ce chapitre, on voit bien la profondeur de la relation qui unit Kakashi et Tsunade. c'est vraiment la meilleur histoire que je lis depuis longtemps. j'ai vraiment hâte que tu la mettes à jour. en tout cas, j'attends la suite avec impatience
HaphazardChemical chapter 23 . 8/17/2019
Wow wow wow! Divergent is truly an amazing story. I was just casually looking for some modern au stories of Naruto where I stumbled upon this gem. I had no idea what I was going to get myself into, but I'm really happy I found Divergent, because I'm just so OBSESSED!

I can't even tell you how much I enjoyed Kakashi and Tsunade's relationship. To be honest, with a potential student/teacher relationship, I expected it to be kinky and lustful, However, I was pleasantly surprised that Kakashi and Tsunade engaged in an emotional relationship before a physical relationship. I can definitely see why they haven't engaged in an actual relationship, because of the obvious age difference not to mention the whole teacher/student part. But they have such a beautiful connection and I want them to be together so bad. I also really love how Tsunade inspired Kakashi to perhaps pursue a career in medicine.

I am so excited to see which direction Divergent is going to go in. I am so in love with this story, I know it's been eight months since you've updated, but I really hope this doesn't go into hiatus. I would really love to read this story into completion.
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