Reviews for The Frozen-Rose Duo
Warmachine375 chapter 12 . 3/14
I understand your reasons to not write the fight between Natsu and Gajeel and the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth, and the fight between Wendy and Shelia because we already knew the sequence and outcome albeit Sting and Rogue had forfeited due to Magic exhaustion after winning against Natsu and Gajeel, surpassing their idols at last compared to canon. Since Lector is not held hostage like in canon this time, Sting won't have any reason to keep on going and he is fine throwing in the towel. Same goes with Rogue too as well since there is no sign of Future Rogue around at all and there really is no Eclipse Gate arc happening anytime soon.

It is still awesome that Wendy won for Fairy Tail but also knows her limits and forfeited too as well. I don't think Fairy Tail will hold it against Wendy so long she is safe and Carla would certainly approve of her adoptive child knowing when to fold them instead of pressing on stubbornly.

At least Rufus tried everything he had from his Memory Make Magic to hold his ground against Mirajane after she busted out her basic Satan Soul which is more than enough for the job and outclassing him in almost every way. Well it was fun while it lasted when Mirajane knocked Rufus out cold and won for Fairy Tail.

Well that was pretty cute and funny to see Seia blushing in embarrassment from Jace's teasing her for trying to sound cool after the Rune Knight officers were observing the finale of the GMG, lol. Poor Iroh who is just enjoying his juice with a straw after Seia claims he is her new partner but knows she is not being serious about it at all.

On the other hand, Lia was struggling to hold her ground against Bacchus to no little success and she got rekt pretty badly. At least until she unleashed the Venus Serpent from her Black Garden Lost Magic which resulted in Bacchus' defeat and Blue Pegasus victory. Damn, that's pretty deep to know Ivy Skin and The Harvest are two forbidden spells of Black Garden which Master Bob made Lia swear to never use them unless she is in a life or death situation as a last resort.

It is nice for the Venus Serpent to heal Lia of her wounds even though it felt kinda gross for the female Blue Pegasus Mage. I hope Dobengal was cheering for her in the sidelines and it would be heartwarming and also hilarious at the same time.

Damn, that is so awesome to see Laxus vs Freya without their respective Dragon Slayer Magics and it is good to see them use basic Lightning and Ice Magics in their fight. Even with the intended handicap, Laxus and Freya were respectively S-Class Mages of Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus for a reason and showed it with their strength and skill they used in battle.

It looks like it apparently ended with a tie after Laxus used Raiko: Red Lightning on Freya at direct hit despite using all of her Ice Magic to defend herself and that Freya fell on top of Laxus in front of everyone in the GMG audience and giving us readers a Ship Tease, lol. Ooooh myyyyy... :)

Poor Freed. He can never unsee this image from his mind since he has hots for Laxus as his entirely too devoted lieutenant while Bickslow laughed his ass off and Evergreen rolled her eyes at such dramatic sight.

Although, I hope that Laxus and Freya will resume the fight almost immediately and this time, use their Dragon Slayer Magic for real against each other. Because I want to see Freya use her natural First Generation Dragon Force against Laxus going 2nd Generation Dragon Force like the one when he bulked up massively against Natsu and Gajeel in the Fighting Festival arc.

Anyways, this is such a pure unadulterated badass chapter and I am excited to see more fights in the GMG finale. Hope you come back in style and I have finished completing the reviews. :D
Warmachine375 chapter 11 . 3/14
Well, well, well. It appears that Crime Sorciere is given a pardon by the King of Fiore, Toma and I like it better compared to the one in canon where Queen Hisui granted it to the Independent Guild of former Dark Mages at the epilogue of the final arc of Fairy Tail. I mean Jellal, Ultear and Meredy had spent 7 years taking down Dark Guilds and Zeref cults and that should get the attention of the King to pardon them since he is a nice understandable guy. Of course it will have to be enforced since there may some members of the Magic Council who still have prejudices against Jellal and Ultear and could not let go of their betrayal 7 years ago. Still I hope the Magic Council actually replaced its members with fresh blood while Org and Chairman Gran Doma remain since I like them.

At least Iroh and Jace were pretty chill with Jellal and making light hearted jokes about his fight with Jura compared to Doranbolt who was kinda hostile to him which makes sense since he knows the real Mystogan was in Edolas and saw this trick he used to pretend as a Fairy Tail member before.

It seems Tartaros are making their move which may involve the activation of 3,000 Face Magical Pulse Bombs to destroy all Magic and make way to unleash E.N.D. so their genetically encoded-wish to kill their creator Zeref will be fulfilled. I hope Fairy Tail won't fight Tartaros alone and will be aided by its fellow Guilds and the Magic Council this time.

So there are rising reports of Dragon sightings huh? Makes me wonder if the 10,000 Dragons would really appear from the unknown regions beyond the borders of Pergrande Kingdom in Ishgar. Or it could possibly be the Five Dragon Gods or the Diabolos Guild from the Giltena continent if you know the 100 Years Quest.

And with the final event of the GMG, all teams of participating Guilds are preparing to give it their all to defeat their opponents and win to be the new #1 Guild in Fiore. Especially with Team Blue Pegasus have everything prepared and planned for their teammates to run things smoothly.

I think Mavis had underestimated Blue Pegasus greatly because of focusing on Freya being a Dragon Slayer as a threat which makes sense since she is technically a powerhouse in Bob's Guild and the Fairy Tactician knows either Natsu or Laxus will fight the daughter of Frosteria.

Just like in canon, Teams Fairy Tail A and B were not moving from their positions while everyone else were duking it with each other until the time has come for the Fairies to make their move accordingly to Mavis' strategy and calculations.

It was pretty awesome and WILD to see Team Quatro Puppy members: Rocker, Novally, Semmes and Yaeger teamed up against Orga and managed to bring down the Lightning God Slayer despite Semmes and Novally were KOed. It goes to show why Quatro Cerberus is one of the top Guilds in Fiore for a reason and it is not for shits and giggles at all.

On the other hand, Bacchus managed to KO Yuka and Toby while Jura swiftly defeated Ariana and Risley which is expected as Bacchus is an S-Class Mage of Quatro Cerberus and Jura is a 5th ranked Wizard Saint after all.

Looks like we see a canonical fight between Natsu & Gajeel and Sting & Rogue and it would be quite badass in my imagination despite knowing the outcome.

That was a terrible pun, Sting and you know it. Even Natsu and Gajeel knows it. Now off to the Corner of Shame you go. :P

It was kinda inevitable that Lucy is gonna be the first to go down and it was Kagura who defeated her which Mavis did not expect this in her calcuations. Now Erza is facing Kagura in battle and I know it will result about the issue with Simon's death and Jellal's involvement behind it.

Well it looks like Gray tried to take out Hibiki and bragged that First Master has superior tactical and calculative skills than Hibiki's Archive Magic before Freya shows up to her fellow teammate's aid and greets Wendy who is with Gray. Of course Lyon and Shelia showed up to join the fun and Eve decided to take his opponents head on while Freya and Hibiki head off to another direction. Now we have Eve vs Gray vs Lyon while Wendy vs Shelia which is gonna be fun to read and imagine.

Poor Rufus. He did not expect Mirajane of all people to be his opponent when he was sure that Gray would have been his opponent just like in canon. Unfortunately, reality does not go that way as intended and Rufus is gonna get rekt.

Mirajane: "You thought you were expecting Gray Fullbuster as your opponent... BUT IT WAS ME! MIRAJANE!"

Well that's an Oof for Hibiki being friendzoned by Freya albeit unintentionally by her choice of words she did not know of the context. Fortunately, Laxus appeared and challenged Freya into a duel with a condition that she wears a showgirl bunny suit instead of the cartoon bunny suit at the post-GMG celebrations if he wins and it is freaking hilarious. XD Shame that Freya could not get something out from Laxus if she wins other than him owing her a favor before they proceeded to fight without their Dragon Slayer Magics respectively as their little game.

After all, Laxus and Freya hid their true nature as Dragon Slayers and mastered the basic Magic of their element until circumstances revealed it like Laxus using it on Natsu and Gajeel in the Fighting Festival, and Freya using it on Natsu during their match of the GMG.

Looks like Millianna got into a proper outfit and I like it. She faced Lia in battle and put up a good fight but got defeated. Of course Lia had the bad luck of running into Bacchus of all people which is bad and needed a panic button ASAP. It won't be an easy fight and it may result in either Lia defeated or somehow managed to beat Bacchus despite the odds against her.

Oh dear. Ren has encountered Jura and decided to go down with a fight despite being outclassed by the "Strongest Human Mage" and then Juvia showed up. It would be very interesting to see Juvia in action without Gray around and show everyone why she was one of the Element 4 for a reason. Perhaps with her time knowing hwr old Phantom Lord teammate Sol, Juvia would know how to handle Earth Magic users despite Jura being way stronger than her but I know she might pull through.

Uh oh. It looks like Jellal has encountered Minerva and he will have to make sure his mask won't be ripped off or destroyed for everyone to see his true identity behind the Mystogan persona he used. Can't wait to see what the former Wizard Saint fare against the woman who has Territory Magic and Yakuma Eighteen War Gods Magic especially when he had to use not only just Magic Staves and Heavenly Body Magic but also his Four Elemental Magics that he used to create Abyss Break or even use Darkness Magic and also Bind Snake back in Tower of Heaven arc.

Anyways, this is such a sweet chapter there and I look forward to see more of the GMG finale. :D
Warmachine375 chapter 10 . 3/13
It has been a long time since we are still waiting for an update of this wonderful Blue Pegasus-centric FT story.

It will always be one of the few rare gems of a unique story of its own right found here in FT fanfic community, and it is worth reading over and over again.

I hope you are doing well yourself and I am looking forward to see what you have in store for Team Blue Pegasus in the finale of the Grand Magic Games.
TheOnlyRogue chapter 12 . 10/2/2019
Please update! I want to find out what happens next!
who chapter 9 . 6/20/2019
i like your story! Freya's really rocking there. i'm curious what will happen at next chapter.
btw, i like how you portrayed Minerva in this story. She reminds me of Greek Goddess of War Athena or Minerva in Roman. now, i remember that your oc name is the same with Norse Goddess of War Freya. Good choice indeed because i have a soft spot for goddess of war especially both of them.
*) if they fight, who will win the fight? i want to know!
Daige chapter 4 . 4/22/2019
Ooh boy. This was a good chapter, and the fight was written well, even if I don't outright agree with Freya winning that match.
Guest chapter 5 . 4/18/2019
Where is Nichiya after Freya wears the Bunnyman suit instead of him? I hope he is not forgotten for Lulu is not the only Exceed in Blue Pegasus. Meeeeeeeennnnnn!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/18/2019
The suspense is killing me! I am so excited for the finale of the GMG! I want Blue Pegasus to win! They deserve to win! Hope you update soon please!
Guest chapter 11 . 4/18/2019
Please please please update. :)
Guest chapter 12 . 4/18/2019
Update the story please. I'm loving it!
Warmachine375 chapter 9 . 4/17/2019
With Blue Pegasus on the top lead, they're gonna give it their all and win the Grand Magic Games as the new #1 Guild in Fiore instead of Fairy Tail soon. Shame that Jenny refuses to take Ichiya's place after he sustained too much injuries as a result of battling the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth and assisting Freya and had Lia on the lead instead so that the Frozen Rose Duo will be fighting together in the final event of the GMG which is kinda sweet thing to do. :D

Silly Jenny, almost everyone wore the same outfit as their everyday clothes as a trademark from what I have seen so far in the FT canon, lol. Then again, it would be cool to see some different outfits depending on the occassion.

Guess that explains why Lulu is obsessed with bunnies thanks to Eve giving the sweets loving Exceeds comics about it. Especially with Freya's reasons to have Ice Dragon's Wings so that she won't strain Lulu or endanger her Exceed from a dangerous fight. I hope we get to see Wendy learn how to make Sky Dragon's Wings as an inspiratioj from Freya because that'd be awesome.

As expected, Jiemma is obviously pleased with Sting and Rogue's loss to Freya and Ichiya and was about to kick them out just like he did to Yukino and also vaporize Lector until Minerva saved the Exceed and the Rune Knight officers, Lahar, Doranbolt and Wizard Saints Jace and Seia showed up and arrested him thanks to Minerva's intervention that I like this version better than her GMG canon self. Looks like she will be new Guild Master of Sabertooth soon after the GMG and lead it to its own direction outside Jiemma and also Fairy Tail's influence, lol.

Please no Orga. I prefer Gajeel's singing over yours. Although it would be funny if Orga sings "Johnny B. Goode" song from Back to the Future when he actually put enough effort to sing and show why the crowd loves him for it. XD

Guess Jiemma made a big mistake of mocking the Rune Knights of being pathetically weak and incompetent which he is technically right about their canon status but not anymore for they have gotten stronger 7 years later and paid the price and it is pretty unnerving he plotted to kill Lia just for being in a relationship with Dobengal behind the scenes when Minerva revealed it. Good thing he checked up on her and make sure she is alright. Freya is gonna be so pissed or chillingly livid if she heard that from Minerva and she will make Natsu's rampage on Jiemma look like child's play and one hell of a frostbite.

It is sweet to see the old members of Team Makarov having a reunion where they talk about their members from their respective Guilds and drink a toast in memory of the late Rob. Shame that Porlyusica did not show up for old times' sake. Either she was busy healing up the injured team members or just hates humans quite hypocritically or maybe both, lol.

I hope we get to see Beltway soon in the future. Because I am so excited to see the Wizard Saint from Quartro Cerberus. I really was bummed when Mashima deliberately left out Goldmine's Guild in Alvarez Empire arc after ONE SCENE of them receiving Ichiya's call to arms to defend their nation from Zeref's armies of Alakitasia and then they were never seen again as if they never existed. Heck even in Tartaros arc's anime only scenes had Quarto Cerberus' moment to shine when Bacchus and his team tries their best to destroy the Face bombs in their Guildhall and the town they are based on. :(

It is always good to see Hibiki using his brains to formulate plans and contingencies for Team Blue Pegasus to win the free for all battle royale in the Grand Magic Games and is fully aware the other competing Guilds are doing the same especially Fairy Tail too as well since they have Mavis the Fairy Tactician. Of course not all plans are perfect and they don't survive first contact most of the time. Also, I bet Hibiki, Ren and Eve learned martial arts just like Yukino demonstrated in her fight with Eclipse Virgo. They may not learn new Magic but enhanced their current ones and it never hurts to learn martial arts for hand to hand combat just in case when they fight in close range.

Anyways, it is one cool chapter as always and I hope you update soon when you get back into action. Your story will always be the best. :)
WM375 chapter 4 . 4/17/2019
Have you seen the FT 100 Years Quest's latest chapters? They are pretty interesting somewhat with reveals like Ignia being the biological son of Igneel, the Five God Dragons were actually refugees fleeing to Giltena from Acnologia and hid there for 400 years, and finally Diabolos makes an appearance with their sinister looking Guildhall and their Guild Master, George Raizen.

You are so right about Diabolos. They are certainly power hungry for Dragon flesh and will do anything to get it whatever it takes as George Raizen said that once a Dragon Eater tastes Dragon meat, they can never forget the taste and wants more of it.

And that George Raizen looks like human Bowser or Jiemma lookalike I believe upon seeing his character design debut.

Hope we discuss about it in our old PM threads and that you are feeling better and inspired again. We miss our talks and they are fun to share and debate ideas and suggestions for this cool, no pun intended, story. :)

If you need some help for the conclusion of the GMG royale finale which I really hope Blue Pegasus wins in contrast to Fairy Tail always winning cliche, I'm always at your service.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/17/2019
Glad that Mirajane vs Jenny did not end up a quick one sided anticlimactic ending with the She-Devil instantly winning after the whole fanservice episode we had there.

It was damn annoying that Mashima introduced Jenny's Magic to be Machina Soul yet did not even use her in important fights. I was honestly expecting her to fight Wahl Icht the Adjudicator of the Spriggan 12 and take his soul or at least absorb his attributes for her Take Over instead of Minerva in the battle between Alvarez and Fairy Tail and their allied Guilds.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/17/2019
I gotta admit that Freya is the best OC Ice Dragon Slayer ever compared to the others that follow the standard FT fanfic cliches we see most of the time boring us to hell and it shows well how she is written and portrayed.

Very compelling and relatable especially how she shared our thoughts on Fairy Tail from an outsider's perspective.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/17/2019
Loving this story and I hope you update soon!
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