Reviews for Kintsugi
Guest chapter 4 . 4/19/2019
this would be my nth time to read your fic. it was that goof. hope you will have time to update this :)
Scripturiens chapter 4 . 9/16/2018
I keep revisiting this story and yearning for more. You've done a really good job at keeping me on the edge of my seat, of my consciousness and life itself as I try to make sense of what is happening here with Yamato. I'm not a fan of first person POV but this is really, really working for the story here and I'm glad you chose to go down this particular route.

There's something really melancholic about this, despite the lightness of their chatter and Yamato's most superficial thoughts - he is, after all, still reeling back from having lost her. Can't wait to read more.
GalanthaDreams chapter 4 . 5/2/2018
I am most definitely intrigued by the concept, it's early yet but I do feel like these two could have an ultimately meaningful connection. As a Mimato shipper who bemoans the lack of stories featuring them I admit that I hope for it, but, well, it's your right as author to choose. In any case, the banter between the two and the awkward atmosphere feels natural to the characters. The odd confidence and outspokenness of Mimi fits her as a person and Yamato's realization that she might be deeper than he thought was promising. In a weird way she does seem to get him, but then, as the holder of Sincerity her social maneuvering and perception of others should be strong. My usual conception of this pair is that they'd have a hard time building the initial familiarity but that once established they would flourish and they seem to be approaching that here.

Also, I love the name of your story and the thought of the symbolism winding through the plot is exciting.
Lee Hana Mi chapter 4 . 5/1/2018
I've been reading your story over and over again while waiting for the next chapter xD Hope you'll update soon!
Lee Hana Mi chapter 4 . 3/18/2018
Your story got me hooked right off the bat! It's been awhile since I've had a good read of mimato fanfic. Good job on this piece! I am very picky when it comes to reading fanfics especially mimato ones, but this fanfic really caught my attention. I can't wait for the next update!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/16/2018
Hoping you will update soon! Love the concept! YamatoxMimi shipper x
Guest chapter 4 . 2/24/2018
Waaaaahhhh thank you so much for the update! Cant wait for the next chapter. More chapters to come. Yamato and Mimi love these two
kalmaegi chapter 4 . 2/13/2018
I love how awkward Yamato is. This is actually my first Fanfiction for these two and it's great to see a perspective from Yamato.
eirish d'salmon luver chapter 3 . 2/7/2018
This is really good. I love the premises, the mystery, and I adore the way Yamato and Mimi were like strangers to each other, but it was Yamato who got the chance to save her life. I'm really curious as why Mimi has to be killed in such gruesome way... is it AU? Are the Digimons still making appearance?
Yas chapter 3 . 1/8/2018
Thank you so much for the update! I am excited for future chapters. i'm actually really not sure how Matt can save Mimi, so I'm looking forward to read the rest!
Guest chapter 3 . 12/19/2017
Love where the story is going! Hoping for more chapters to come! update pls :)
PinkAngelMimi chapter 3 . 12/18/2017
Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! 26 year old Yamato in the body of 17 year old Yamato. That's definitely so interesting. I was so hooked in the story. I really can't wait to see the outcome of this. Is he going to rewrite history or is he going to see an alternative possibilities that could have been. I love how everything is from his perspective. Also the way you connect everything makes it so enjoyable to read. Waiting for your updates! Happy holidays :) hugs and kisses
Yas chapter 1 . 12/10/2017
I love this! I wish that I had not come across this until much later when it's completed but i'm also thankful knowing this gem exists! It's rare to come across a story this good in this fandom and i hope that you continue. Looking forward to the rest of the story!
Pied Piper chapter 2 . 12/3/2017
Oh. Oh, this is going to be hard. I have a personally difficult time with the themes you've ushered in here, and a concern with those themes as plot pawns in general. But I'm also much more intrigued after this short twist of an ending, so I'll not be addressing that part of the story here. There's much to be said elsewhere, anyway, like your stream-of-consciousness narration strategy. It really works well in this case, as I think a story like this needs to be as immersed in Yamato's experience as possible. It wouldn't be successful or fun to have everything spelled out, so the hints and allusions are also well-placed, but it's the sense of vertigo that you capture best in this short chapter. It makes me wonder if the circumstances surrounding the death and their relationship both before and after will change, and if this is less about returning to the same un/preventable outcome like a fated timeloop than about remaking the chance to choose to enter such a loop at all.
Pied Piper chapter 1 . 12/3/2017
My heart is so full right now. I normally can't stand this pairing; it seems to attract clumsy and forced scenarios based on tropes and wish fulfillment. But your take right here: this is gorgeous. The illusions and word play are soft an understated, which fits the mood of this opening well. I enjoyed your introduction of Yamato: that is, his state of mind, rather than him himself (maybe the same thing in one sense, but you do a beautiful job of showing why it's actually not so here). Perhaps most successful is the use of the traditional processes of death and after-death as the benchmarks for drawing Yamato out and advancing the plot. Really, gorgeously done.
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