Reviews for Vacation
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
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Olivia chapter 12 . 1/14/2007
THAT WAS AWESOME! One of the best fanfics I have ever read :D I was so happy when Dou and Heero were finally happy together :]] and when Relena got slapped :D
Yami Ryo chapter 12 . 12/15/2006
YA! Happy ending! WOOT!
kirallie chapter 12 . 7/27/2006
Neat! More?
Tyler Taylor chapter 12 . 3/27/2006

(Sure I H-8 Gay People but you covered it with excellent writing and a Brilliant Story!)

This Was One of THE BEST chapters I Have Read.

you are awesome! Keep Writing!

Toriyamiyasha chapter 12 . 12/17/2005
MEEP! That was kewl!
Toriyamiyasha chapter 6 . 12/17/2005
kewl! I will read more later. KAWAII!
spyro chapter 12 . 11/16/2005
I loved it, i lov and 1 x 2! WO!
Kerria Flower chapter 12 . 10/15/2005
I'm demanding that you update...PLEASE?
HolyMistress chapter 12 . 2/22/2005
This is the best story I read so far. It has everything I like in a fic in it. It was long and had romance with a bit of suspense in it. I hope you make more stories like this one in the future and the love scene was exellent to me so don't doubt your writing skills.
Phoebechan chapter 12 . 1/3/2005
* wipes tears away* that ..was...the most touching story i've read in my short pathitic life*starts crying a gain*
KiraDN chapter 12 . 12/23/2004
Wai! So kawaii! So cute! Yay! Sasunaru-ness! Unfortunately, there should have been a lot more Relena- $$-kicking time. Doesn't Sasuke and Naruto have m4d ninj4 skillz? They should've rasenganed or chidoried her. Wait, they haven't gotten that far... Oh well. Wonderful fic!
Generally Maz chapter 12 . 12/13/2004
That's a very nice story. I love the plot. It's a lovely AU story . I've got a teeny bit of criticism though.

Go back through a few of the chapters and correct a few minor errors, such as I think you put fore instead of fire, spell check doesn't fix all.

Also, check for a bit of continity on naruto, his skin automatically heals because of the demon fox's chakra inside of him.

The other bit is, if you want to improve on your story telling, try to not repeat things such as

e.g. "As I run through the trees, I feel the sleeve of my shirt rip" could be improved by not repeating I, instead try "As I run though the trees, feeling the sleeve of my shirt rip".

Otherwise an indeed lovely story. Good luck with future stories !
Fallentenshi128 chapter 12 . 10/24/2004
*falls over* Holy crap...This is the FIRST ever GW/Naruto crossever I have EVER read...and I am GLAD that I read this one. I think there were some typo mistakes, but that's okay, a spell check should take care of it. You don't mind if I write a crossover now, do you? _;; You inspired me...*glomp* Thankie! It was awesome, keep writing.
reviewer chapter 5 . 9/21/2004
Gr8 story
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