Reviews for All Who Remain
Chundercat chapter 3 . 4/21/2019
I am really enjoying this so far. Loss is dealt with differently by everyone and I am looking forward to how you push this forward with prompto and noctis. The cid prompto and Cindy interaction is great to read also. It will be interesting to see where you take that too!
Dante Morose chapter 3 . 3/24/2018
This update was everything I wanted it to be. I loved it so much!
SilentStarlightSky chapter 2 . 3/22/2018
You really captured their individual speech patterns. It felt in character and believable. Ignis asking for a hug was so good. I want to hug them all.

The back story about Gladio and Aranea was funny. And I loved your observation about how Prompto didn't know if Gladio liked him or not. Without Noctis around, would Gladio even put up with him? I liked his uncertainty about his place.

And thanks for bringing up what comes next in there world. There didn't seem to be anybody else lined up for the royal succession. I was wondering who would rule next. Even before I knew Noctis was going to die I thought it was weird that they'd send out the sole heir to fight monsters. Didn't seem very safe to me. You need an heir and a spare. Also thanks for bringing up green things needing light to grow. Why's everything so green after all the darkness? It was funny when Iris said she hadn't thought about it.

I liked how Prompto and Cid were hanging out together and talking. That was sweet that Cid was encouraging him about Cindy. I liked the observation that Prompto never did anything to make her uncomfortable.

You painted some nice imagery about the scenery when Prompto was taking photos. Good job.

I liked the addition of Noctis the friendly ghost... or mental projection... or whatever.

Overall I'm really enjoying your exploration as Prompto as a character.
b0rnwithwings chapter 3 . 3/22/2018
Man the game ending brought on too many feels that I don't even want to think about. I haven't played it since the first play thru. Was too devastated.
But reading these ALMOST makes me want to play it again but it also makes me so sad.
Great story so far. The characters are true to the game characters. Cid's conversation with Prompto about how messed up it was that Noctis was literally born to die nearly made me cry.

Not sure if I should say "keep up the great work" or "Stop that. My emotions can't take it anymore."
SilentStarlightSky chapter 1 . 3/19/2018
I loved the feel of this. It was light and fresh, but also sad. Kinda the way I used to feel after a good cathartic cry. I got teary eyed while reading it too, which isn't surprising because of the subject matter. Having them see Noctis after everything was over was so hard. The reactions! Ugh!

I laughed a lot at Prompto thinking he didn't look "a day over 12." And the idea of a bucket list was great. I loved how fun and sweet and juvenile Noct and Prompto's lists were. Especially Prompto's. But the "sleep forever" part was killing me. Ignis taking Prompto's photo was a really funny and fun moment too. I loved Ignis in this, I just wanted to hug him so badly! And I usually just want to hug Prompto. Poor little baby who used to eat his feelings!

Everybody felt very in character, and now since this is FFXV and not FFVIII, I can HEAR their actual accurate voices in my head. So strange. And I guess I can see them accurately too.

Love. Love. Love.
Kate7950 chapter 2 . 3/1/2018
Ahhh that last part about Noct's boot prints literally killed me!

I hope you continue this I really am enjoying this so far.
Emerald-Latias chapter 2 . 12/17/2017
Gah - this was a super fast read.

I'm cackling at all the Talcott / Iris / Prompto banter because it's so true regarding people who don't actually vocalize their feelings for others, opting to stuff for them. I'm with Prom and Talcott on this because I'm guilty of this behaviour XD. And omg, the parts about being the wise one and Iggy just ascending to a different realm are too funny. That and the parts where it's like 'disappointing him is worse' and 'he just looks at me a with that face and I just confess things' are just gold. I can visualize this perfectly and I love it.

Honestly, as fun as it is to see Cid acting like a crotchety old man who'd shank anyone who looks at Cindy funny, I like that he isn't like that here and would like to see her happy. Seeing the desert for the Cactuar is such a great saying. (I might have to steal that one at some point.) I totally believe that she'd not see any of the attention paid to her in that light because she's so absorbed in her work. It was like Prompto even said, she's super skilled and passionate about her job, despite what she wears (used to wear). I think it'll be fun to see how she reacts when someone is a little more direct with her rather than do her favours/give her vaguely-implicating attention. That is if Prompto doesn't continue to trip over his own two feet though. On a tangent, I am worried about the random numbness described here thought. At least with his fingers going numb since it's not a case where he sat on them funny.
Emerald-Latias chapter 1 . 12/17/2017
In all the madness of two con weekends in a row, I finally plunked my butt down to read. And man, how apropos is this to have started fresh after playing Episode Ignis. I have so many feels for the post-endgame parts. You've got the emotions nailed without veering into maudlin. I'd like to think that Prompto held it together for them in this manner, despite confusing the heck out of Ignis for actually being composed for a change.

Then again, Prompto did say he was all cried out (and he probably had his moments during the 10 years when Noct was in the crystal) so I can definitely buy that he was good for the most part til he found Gladio's reaction spawning a few more tears by blindsiding him a little. It's very true to life.

I loved the part where Prompto asked Ignis to take a photo and Iggy's response to that. It reminds me of Avatar the Last Airbender when people would forget one of the characters is blind and she'd come up with the best retorts. Truth be told, Ignis probably could drive blind with the proper instructions. I lol'd at the part where he was like 'did I take a picture of your ass then?' hehehe.

The list idea was cute too. I think those lists are very accurate for both characters. Petting all the cats, is definitely a life goal for Noct. Ouch at the melancholy brought on by him actually sleeping forever tho.

At any rate, curious to see where this will go. Considering we didn't actually see Cindy in the time-skip, it'll be interesting with all her duties she'd amassed in those ten years to see if she'd even give him the time of day.
Dante Morose chapter 2 . 12/15/2017
Oh great goddess of writing, I offer this review in hopes of another chapter. May my meager efforts be satisfactory and your response swift.

Seriously though, this is amazing.

Dante Morose chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
Caught my eye, held my hand. Now I'm not letting go.

It's too good not to follow.

Guest chapter 1 . 12/1/2017
Awesome story I hope you add a little more to it
RRina chapter 1 . 12/1/2017
You make me cry.
Thanks for sharing. *sob*