Reviews for When Stars Collide
Sam chapter 103 . 7/12
Sorry but if someone else tried to control my wedding I would slap them so hard they wouldn’t see straight for a month and then not talk to them for at least that long
Coolfire30 chapter 89 . 4/19
It's a little saddening for me to only have 21 chapters left... I'm sure I'll come back to reread this again...after is inevitable...
Coolfire30 chapter 71 . 4/19 only took reading the death of Severus to make me fucking start sobbing once again. Gods... he makes me...his death still hurts... every...single...time...I have to force myself to read it...
Coolfire30 chapter 23 . 4/19
Galleons? Perhaps instead of Dollars?
Coolfire30 chapter 8 . 4/19 here is the start of everything I suppose... she noticed... hehehe... ah that is adorable...
Coolfire30 chapter 7 . 4/19
You know her situation... it's more than a little depressing. Especially due to the fact that she's only a child dealing with all of this...prejudice and being ostracized! by her own family! ANY other person wouldn't be able to deal with what's she's having to do...I can only imagine... ahhh
Coolfire30 chapter 2 . 4/19
Oh~ I do love her character! I can tell already-despite the fact that I've lost count of how many times exactly I've reread this story...-that I'm sure to enjoy reading this once as again.
Coolfire30 chapter 104 . 2/12
I've been giggling sporadically throughout this whole chapter and I cannot tell you how much I found the wedding to be so entertaining!
Coolfire30 chapter 90 . 2/12
God freaking damnit! Every single fucking time I reread this damn fanfiction ! I cry so damn hard, I think I'm going to die!
KeelyRMalone chapter 103 . 1/28
Ok, I read the next chapter's beginning a/n and I get what you are saying, but I do have one question...
Would the child have still been a "bastard" if they got married after it was born, I mean I know that word means having a child out of wedlock, but if they ended up marrying anyway, wouldn't that fix the "problem"?
I'm not really critiquing your writing, I genuinely curious of the answer. I actually love how you've done this story. LOVE IT!
xLaBellaVita chapter 111 . 1/24
Ighhhh such an amazing story! Thank you!
xLaBellaVita chapter 71 . 1/24
J.oL.T13 chapter 1 . 12/5/2019
EEK! I lost it, than I found it. I read it once and have been dying to read it again. This is an amazing story.
Esmeralda Riddle chapter 111 . 10/24/2019
Oh it was beautiful! I feel totally satisfied... a job well done...keep writing;)
AshesBorn chapter 111 . 10/4/2019
I just blew through the entire story. I really enjoyed it and especially the chapters out of school. I liked the side characters’ quirks and personalities too! I’ll definitely check out all your other stories
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