Reviews for Team TOTM
Leofire312 chapter 28 . 9/25
Looks around the dusty building. “Hello, anybody home? Have you given up?”
Eliwood chapter 16 . 6/8
Umm is it just me or does Aizawa's symbol look like a Sharingan?
Ravenlakill chapter 28 . 5/18
Well, if there are changes or not, I'm sure it will be great, your fic is incredible. I hope and don't leave it please
Ravenlakill chapter 1 . 5/18
Well, if there are changes or not, I'm sure it will be Well, if there are changes or not, I'm sure it will be great, your fic is incredible, your fic is incredible.
Ravenlakill chapter 11 . 5/18
Well, if there are changes or not, I'm sure it will be great, your fic is incredible.
bens6757 chapter 28 . 5/17
I wouldn't worry about the oldest chapters not being not as good as newer ones. That just means your writing improved over the course of the story. Here's a bit of writing advice that every writer should follow and that is the rough draft is always shit
Anonymously20 chapter 27 . 5/11
Good job killing M*n*t*. I approve. Hope you're doing okay. Can't wait for the next chapter! For MKKT, I think Kyoka might make a better leadwr for team KDFM (kindleflame) and, maybe, after the fall, Tenya gives Deku leadership for team DOTT.. For to-be-seen 1a teams, here's some ideas:
HMMK (hemlock/hammock)(Hanta, Mezo, Mashirao, Koji)
YHTR (ishtar) (Yuga, Hitoshi, Toru, Rikido)
RISS (rhys) (Reiko, Itsuka, Sen, Setsuna)
MYTK (mystic) (Mei, Yui, Tetsutetsu, Kinoko)
TTHD (tacha'd) (Tomura, Twice, Himiko, Dabi)
Just suggestions, take 'em or leave 'em.
Kosuke-Dono chapter 23 . 4/30
dem boii. Red Cowling, Released Recipro Burst? cool name for the team attack.
Nattile2019 chapter 27 . 3/29
Was it really necessary to include Mineta in this fic if you were gonna do nothing but kill him off? If you dislike a character so much why include them in the first place?
Guest chapter 27 . 3/27
Ok it’s been awhile and whoa this was AMAZING! And you introduced Akame ga Kill characters as well plus the fight between Leone and teams TOTM and SMKE was awesome.

And you even had Kota punch Katsuki in the family jewels instead of Izuku was funny and that and you killed off Mineta was plus as well so we won’t be seeing him anytime soon.

Also we get too see Izuku use some of his Faunus senses to try and track Leone although I wonder if there are other traits Izuku has maybe in a future Omake he reveals to Ochako in exchange of secrets that he is ticklish and not believing it Ochako starts ticking him and hijinks insures which is only stopped when discover that Mina is recording them again with her new blackmail scroll.

But still keep up the good work and hope to see more soon.
Guest chapter 27 . 3/19
Did you just kill off Mineta?
Nicholas chapter 27 . 3/17
Sweet ass biscuits! I love that you've added akame ga kill characters i look forward to seeing the villain's raid i hope izuku kicks muscular's ass into the middle of next week.
Darth Stigma chapter 27 . 3/17
you should remove the "y" from "the group" when leone unleashes her bloodlust along with the "and" when mina says "you went hero on us" to clean it up a bit.
D3lph0xL0v3r chapter 27 . 3/17


Shadow Joestar chapter 27 . 3/17
KO awesome chapter, damn the training Izuku and the others will be doing with the team Hunters is going to be brutal and hopefully they’ll survive through it all before the festival.
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