Reviews for Sixth Grade Beginnings
Anonymous Latino chapter 3 . 7/25
Im glad to see Helga finally opening up and im even surprised st how much she divulged. Only Arnold would the patience to allow her to open up, yet even he has his limits
JayDogg187 chapter 25 . 7/24
Another spellbinding chapter. Your characterizations are top-notch. Your chapters flow with grace and eloquence that brings about the best possible portrayals of the characters. Whether at their best or their worst, they're never less than compelling.

And as objectionable as Brainy's actions appear to be, I wouldn't put something like this beyond him. What I also like is how you use his actions to contrast him against Arnold. They both like Helga, they both want to help her, only Brainy is willing to step across lines that Arnold won't even approach. Very Macchievellian if I do say so myself.

Anyway, these are my thoughts for this chapter. Bring on the next!
Anonymous Latino chapter 2 . 7/24
Ahh it's all coming together. I wasn wondering why that conversation between Rhonda and Nadine was even there and why Helga even bothered to iver hear them. Nice one!
franny chapter 25 . 7/23
Man, I didn't even think of Brainy doing something like that! That is mad creepy. I know Helga wants to compare herself to him by saying she would do anything for Arnold but there's a difference between making shrines out of your beloved used gum and insurance fraud o.O
I can't wait to see what happens next tho! Also I'm living for the Helga and Arnold moments, no matter how small. Especially when Arnold gets to see her soft side.
HumanDictionary chapter 25 . 7/22
I'm intrigued at what juicy piece of gossip Rhonda has just found herself privy too. Most likely it's the Pataki Family's fall from grace or the burgeoning mutual itemhood of her and Arnold after their trip last summer...

Ok. With all that out of the way DAMMIT BRAINY!
Kryten chapter 25 . 7/22
Diving into the river to save Helga’s picture of Arnold, sweet. Insurance fraud... not so much. Brainy has crossed the line between admirer and creep.

Nadine needs to start standing up for herself.
Cre8ivelybankrupt87 chapter 25 . 7/22
Rhonda is still on Helga for not being girly enough all these years later... move on. They way she’s so hostile about it now... she has expressed minor interest in Arnold in the past, hmm...
Man, if Helga wasn’t always so suspicious of Lila they might be best friends, if she could stomach all her positivity. The girl really is a firm ally in spite of everything.
Okay Brainy is starting to worry me...
These scenes of Arnold figuring out his... adult feelings are quite compelling.
Rosali Leon Huamani chapter 25 . 7/21
Continúa con la historia esta muy interesante... Estaré a la espera
acosta perez jose ramiro chapter 25 . 7/21
Very nice scenes in the end with Arnold and Helga.

And yeah, Helga and Phoebe make good points. Even if Brainy is obviously trying to help, the fact that he's getting Bob's personal information isn't just scary but illegal.

Keep the good writing.
frannyfine29 chapter 24 . 7/12
I just reread this entire story once I saw that you updated and MAN Im so happy you're back! Congrats on your bundle of joy and home, of course!

I had my hopes up when Miriam and Bob went to visit Helga, but idk why I'm shocked it didnt go a different way. Cant Bob see she feels unloved? It's so frustrating but you write them all out perfectly! I adore this story and I cannot wait to see what's next
StrangerWays chapter 24 . 7/10
If Brainy had anything to do with the odd circumstances surrounding the Beeper Emporium.. that is beyond creepy. It’s not heroic or even remotely romantic, it’s disturbing.

But it’s helped move the story along so no complaints here lol

I love Arnold and Helga’s dynamic. They behave like a well acquainted couple of many years! Their interactions feel like they’ve created their own world.

Helga’s attitude definitely needs adjusting but can’t blame the poor girl with all she’s been through

Congrats on your baby boy and the house.

Update at your leisure!
StrangerWays chapter 18 . 7/10

HumanDictionary chapter 23 . 7/4
I just re-read your opening blurb on Chapter 24. Congrats on being a parent and homeowner. I'm writing here because of their 'one review per chapter' rule.
JayDogg187 chapter 1 . 7/4
Over the past two years, I’ve been contemplating some of life’s deepest philosophical mysteries. The top 3 getting my attention were, in ascending order of importance:
3) What is the purpose of life?
2) What is the nature of life?
1) When is SakiKitty bringing out the next chapter of 'Sixth Grade Beginnings'?

Right from the first chapter, I’ve been addicted to this story. What I find especially intoxicating is the dynamic you’ve established in Arnold’s and Helga’s relationship post-TJM. On and off, hot and cold, not too angsty, not too melodramatic. Two kids plausibly coming to terms with their feelings and situations.

As for this current chapter…I think I can see what happened in the insurance matter, and also how it will be resolved in favor of Bob and Miriam. I also believe that Miriam’s scheming is unrelated to this matter. But no matter the destination, I look forward to resuming the journey.

And on a personal note, congratulations on the big milestones in your life.
HumanDictionary chapter 24 . 7/3
Welcome Back. I understand the whole "life getting in the way" thing with fics. Kudos for finding the will power to finish this.

Nice that Big Bob kinda caught a break with the bank acknowledging that a policy exists and possibly obtaining Casa Pataki once more. That said, but I'm in Kryten's boat with (the idea of) Miriam committing insurance fraud against the beeper company as silent payback for years of Bob sucking her soul out of her anus without the decency of removing the straw. Not to mention all the mental health issues he imparted on their daughters.

Also fascinated to see where all the digging with Brainy would lead to.
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