Reviews for Never Learn
fictiondemon chapter 3 . 8/17
Utterly wonderful. Well paced, excellent characterization. Would have liked to have seen more interaction with the Winchester's at the bunker. The change of setting would have added a different dynamic to the growing relationship. Overall, well placed dialogue and exploration of character development. Just what was needed for a thirsty writer looking for the right story of a certain broken archangel.
LiaLoveFood chapter 3 . 5/18
Oh I loved that so much! Great writing
Melinique chapter 3 . 8/22/2019
I quite enjoyed this story. I did look to see if there was a sequel - just to see if after getting his Grace back (it's kinda odd thinking Lucifer even has Grace but that's the only explanation for the 'angel mojo') if there were anymore run-ins between Lucifer and the Winchesters.
fanfic authoress chapter 3 . 1/16/2019
This is EVERYTHING I’ve ever wanted in a fic
AnYa chapter 3 . 10/11/2018
My Chuck, I NEEDED this happy ending after season 13th's finale, thanks for sharing!
Kat A. Coop chapter 1 . 4/14/2018
Nice. Great story, I really enjoyed it! Thanks!
Kat A. Coop chapter 2 . 4/14/2018
That actually went kinda like I was expecting it to lol. Excellent 2nd chapter!
Kat A. Coop chapter 1 . 4/14/2018
1st chapter is off to an amazing start! Absolutely love you’re story!
Miss A. Winchester chapter 3 . 3/18/2018
Your writing is amazing. I really loved reading this story.
emilym6280 chapter 3 . 3/2/2018
This story has really grown on me! I hope you write more :)
Yuki Suou chapter 3 . 1/22/2018
That was amazingly beautiful. I cried at a lot of parts and in the end I was really convinced that they would die. Love the way you flesh out your characters.
Windschatten chapter 3 . 1/14/2018
I started reading this when I had actually intended to call it an early night so that I'd be fresh and awake the next day to actually get stuff done. And I'm really glad I did. The way you manage to express yourself in such short sentences and yet paint perfectly vivid pictures in my head was lovely and kind of refreshing. It feels like you've put much thought into the characters, the small little details (loved how Lucifer told his story with an edited version of the bible) and you make it seem so easy. I've rarely come across an original character that was quite like Sarah and I absolutely love her. There's probably much more I'd like to say -how the shared grief was a genius move on your part, for example- but then I'd start rambling. Thanks so much for this short story of the two of them. I think the end was just perfect.
skywave chapter 3 . 1/3/2018
Beautifully written! I want more lo. What happens now that he's an angel again?
Maryam Clarus chapter 3 . 12/22/2017
That was F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C I can't believe that I had the chance to stumble upon your story! this is one of my best days! I love how it sticks to a more realistic approach, like no head over heals at first sight and the way the story makes the reader think as well, think about not what but why, and the hows and the like! it's just beautiful!
please dont let this story be left in the dust and finish this, because it would be a great shame to have this unfinished, it tears my heart just thinking about it.
i love you and thank you, hoping for an updating!
TSOHG A MA I chapter 3 . 12/18/2017
This was really, REALLY good. I actually like this better than the direction cannon!Supernatural is being taken in right now. Not only that, but you got all the characterizations PERFECT. I'm always really happy with a story when an author has the skill and elegance to pull that off, and Sarah's character was a really nice, refreshing take on an OC. She's got this dry, witty sort of personality that just fits with Lucifer's so delightfully. I know you have this story marked as complete, but I'd be really interested in finding out what happens next for the Sarahfer ship xD I'm a fan!
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