Reviews for Two Big Beautiful Boo- Kitty Ears?
Nagaichi chapter 14 . 7/25
Great Chapter. I cant wait to see more!
np.lake101 chapter 14 . 7/21
Good chapter enjoyed it alot and I only found this when you updated now and loved it. Hope to see more cause I would love to see it
Taichi-Doragon Tentei chapter 14 . 7/19
So happy to see a new chapter for this story. I understand having other priorities but I sure hope you continue to make time for this fic. Totally understand the issues of transferring back to civilian life though, I spent 8 years in the Marine Corps and leaving it back in 2016 took me like 5 months to really understand that it was over. Hope you're doing well.
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 14 . 7/18
Neat chapter.
boomnitro chapter 14 . 7/18
i enjoyed the chapter and glad to see an hold story that i had forgotten about get updated
timrocks99 chapter 14 . 7/18
Love the chapter can’t wait for more
Issun the Wandering Writer chapter 13 . 1/19
I really hope you continue this, I've never loved a Ladybug fic this much.
Issun the Wandering Writer chapter 9 . 12/14/2019
Well this has been wonderful so far. Nice to know you didn't keep the will they won't they drama going on forever.
Issun the Wandering Writer chapter 1 . 12/14/2019
Haha wow! Ruby's monologue at the end. Okay you have my attention.
MasterScarcity1 chapter 13 . 10/25/2019
Good job I'll be keeping an eye out for when ever you get around to posting a new chapter.
SeanHicks4 chapter 13 . 10/19/2019
Interesting take, probably not my tastes long term though...
Violet Chloe Snow chapter 1 . 9/15/2019
That last rambling spiral of Ruby's is so amazing.
Jakyboy chapter 13 . 7/31/2019
Yes, ITS BACK PRAISE BE OUM. Loved the chapter interested to see where you take it, with the differences from the main show at this point. However, this is still my all time favorite story. Keep it up
Misslieness chapter 13 . 7/29/2019
An enjoyable chapter and very interesting to see Yang and Cinder trying to seduce one another. Ruby and Blake taking their relationship to the next level was neat.
KHARAKI TAKAN chapter 13 . 7/26/2019
You called Ozpin, Ozbin twice I thought Cinder got it wrong on purpose however later when you mentioned his name again you wrote Ozbin again.

Oh interesting.

Good chapter.
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