Reviews for Christmas in Space
Divergent Raven chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
Space-family bonding is the best. So cute!
Lala Norisu chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
Aww that is so sweet of him to do for lance .

Ps. I wish you merry Christmas to u :)
nigil1017 chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
this is so beautiful
Darkness Death and Riches chapter 1 . 12/7/2017
Why do you always have to choose the characters with problems to be your children? Like Percy, Lance, Jack, Jace, Donny, etc. Like, I just want to hug them and steal them away so I can protect them from the world! But this was just so cute and sweet, and I loved it! Thank you for your Advent Calendar series. Idk how much work it'd be, but I feel like at the end of each christmas season, you should compile all your Advent Calendar fics into one story with multiple chapters (titled something like Advent Calendar 2017 for this year, for example) so people can find them easily for cute rereading purposes. Just spitballing here. Regardless, thank you!