Reviews for Fractured Bloodline
Celestia Mist chapter 67 . 6/12
This was a very lovely chapter. :)
Ghost of Magic chapter 67 . 6/12
Chrom, you're such a sweetheart to Robin!
Daisy Party chapter 66 . 5/30
Awesome chapter and awesome twists! I cant wait to hear a bit more about Chrom's parents. And I am super excited to hear Robin tell Chrom about Em! And I just love the Chrobin scenes! So cute and sweet.

Cant wait till the next update and thank you for writing! Even with a irregular schedule, Im glad you're still continuing to write this amazing story!
Daisy Party chapter 65 . 5/30
Sorry for the late reply! Its been so crazy! But, I got down to catching up and it was a great chapter! A fun fight scene and a really exciting twist ending!
TaraTolmney chapter 65 . 4/28
I'm glad that at least it sounds like your brain is on the mend (even if it is heavily restrained by metaphorical bandages). Fogginess of mind is the worst, especially when clever characters like Reflet decide to derail your plans. Your writing is, as always, a delight to read, and a magical adventure for my mind. You are a source of great inspiration for my own writings; you have such a valuable way of sharing the story progression, which helped me a lot in corralling ideas.

I'm very excited for the Robin Arc, partly because of your own excitement for it! I hope it brings you much joy. Thank you so much for sharing your work and vision, I appreciate it very much.
Celestia Mist chapter 64 . 4/4
And now it is past midnight for like the fourth night in a row, but I have read all 64 chapters. And I love it. You've got a great humor blended into your prose and amazing characters. At this point I am just kinda waiting for robin to snap or have a jeart to heart with chrom after the whole: eating people with her hands, saving then not saving Emm, never getting break from getting pounded thing that has been this wonderful story. But Also I understand that signing all that would be hard. So she holds it all inside. And so I wait patiently and eagerly for it to all become to much.
Celestia Mist chapter 62 . 4/4
I've been happily and silently tearing through this story. I didn't think it would still be alive until I noticed it was recently updated and might actually get finished one day. Then a great deal of joy filled me. Also thr conscription scene is amazing. I love the way you characterize everyone, including all the mirror versions. And although I generally dislike romance I love Robin and Chrom. And just... Robin. Thanks for writing such a lovely long story. I eagerly await the rest. :)
TaraTolmney chapter 64 . 3/13
Such a sneaky Reflet! I wasn't sure how I felt about her when she was first introduced; she confused me, but that's just her charming way! It's always startling to have a character beat you at games of wits; I had a character of mine steal the role of narrator without me noticing, and another only recently revealed who they actually were. I feel much pity and happiness for you that you have characters alive enough to do this to you as well.

I'm excited to learn more about Ricken's story! There were a lot of little bits of Awakening that I felt could have been expanded on more, but I don't blame anyone for focusing on the main story line. Thank you again for writing this; it's beautiful, and I enjoy watching the story grow.
Kasu chapter 63 . 3/10
Words cannot describe how much I love this series. I noticed the other comment about your pacing, and I must heart fully disagree! I was sitting there at the beginning of the chapter, and legitimately thought "Wait, has Olivia been introduced yet?" (My timing is impeccable) and when I realized that she hadn't yet been, I had to take a moment to think about how wonderful this story is.

Any fire emblem fan fiction can whip right through the game's standard plot points, but I love your format and pacing. I've been reading since chapter 20 or so, and reading Fractured is a highlight of my every-other-Friday. I find that the pacing almost makes the story feel more "authentic"; it feels like actual months have passed in the story because months have passed in reality. Sure, the story can be confusing at times, but isn't that what makes it satisfying when all the pieces fall into place? People have always complained about George R.R. Martin's writing in the same way, yet Game of Thrones is an international success ;)

Anyways, I just wanted to say that I truly love this story. I know I don't comment particularly often, but I hope you know that you have many more readers and fans than you realize 3
Daisy Party chapter 63 . 2/29
Great chapter! Cant wait for the showdown!
DannyLAN chapter 63 . 2/28
Thanks for the great work :)
MargaritaDaemonelix chapter 63 . 2/28
oh goodness, it's been a while! i kept telling myself i would go back and read fractured from the beginning, and i finally got the time to do so, and wow am i amazed at how far it's come! ricken being a manakete came as a surprise, but definitely not an unwelcome one - it's as you've said, he and nowi getting to live together without one outliving the other is a happy ending. the little bits of chrobin in this chapter feel so perfectly tender in all the right ways, especially the line about them being general and tactician and reducing a hug to a simple shoulder pat. honestly, it's the details like that which make fractured feel like a home i'm returning to and a world that's just as much familiar as it is stranger. thank you for the beautiful chapter, and i can't wait for the next one!
Daisy Party chapter 62 . 2/16
I love love the scenes between Frederick and Robin! The beginning was the best and funny! Great chapter and cant wait to read more!
Definitely Not Redd chapter 62 . 2/14
This story would be perfect if it had any sort of pacing. I commend you on your writing skills, but this story is really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really fucking sLOW. I get people might like a story that’s a slowburn, or one that doesn’t have action, but this one gives you the action, and then takes like, 7 chapters of 20,000 words to get to any more. I know I’m over exaggerating, but it’s just really boring for them to talk about what’s gonna happen for 10 chapters, and then it happens in 1, and the process repeats, I feel like this story would be more popular that way. So this story is really good, but the pacing is horrible.
TaraTolmney chapter 62 . 2/14
Happy Valentine's Day! Oh gosh, I knew Frederick was prepared, but that was absolutely amazing. It was so smooth and well done. I've always liked Ricken and Nowi together; they are a good influence on each other, with Nowi being so childlike (which isn't a bad thing!) and Ricken being so serious. Reflet is continuing her goal of baffling as many people as possible, and I'm impressed
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