Reviews for An Arc to the Past Special: Winter Harvest Day
Ammar Mohammad Anwar chapter 1 . 9/27/2019
I am crying... damn. Beautiful writing.
Mrotrax chapter 1 . 4/26/2019
Oh god...this was beautiful. Heartwarming, heartwrenching and still being a great holiday story that can be enjoyed out of season.
Especially loved Jaune helping Yang out
The kids are also great; they act like genuine kids; happy, mischievous, curious...

Keep up teh good work
Rubles the Amazing Cookie Mom chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
I don't know if I'd be the one to do it, but I think it would be adorable if someone did a "Reading..." fanfic of this. Perhaps An Arc to the Past as well, but this story in particular. Like I'm imagining Teams RWBY and JNPR reading it and having their own reactions to everyone there and absent.
Anyhow, I think both this and the main story are amazing. I hope you update An Arc to the Past soon — but not too soon, of course :)
HeartOfChaos13 chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
This one-shot Is wonderful and I think that It Is amazing.
Weird Crack Shipper chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
This story is so nice 3 3 And the family are so happy together I can’t believe all this was taken away from Jaune :’( But other than that I really love this story 3
Guest chapter 1 . 12/24/2017
I'm praying RAIJ and Arc to D'arc are not dead
benjamin chapter 1 . 12/18/2017
Hey it's me again while I honestly did hope you would make more "An Arc From The Past" I did not think you would make another for a few more months but I am happy you have make another one.

Also I did enjoy this prequel to your story and hope that you will make more because for me I mostly feel-for some reason-most alive while reading stories that tell of other world and because they are given a purpose to save what they love. Sorry about rambling on but I hope that you will make more chapters, you have a gift for this please use it as much as you can.

P.S. good luck and good work
P.P.S. Thank you for your time
dandyrr0403 chapter 1 . 12/16/2017
Thanks for this story! i felt warm when reading this, it's so touching, seeing Jaune as a loving father and husband and seeingRuby as a mother and a wife too. your Lancaster story is really amazing, you are one of my favorite author, thank you so much for making this story and an arc to the past, i wil be waiting for the next update to an arc to the past. once again thank you and keep being awesome!
Hassan.Elgarni chapter 1 . 12/15/2017
This is a wrm story. As I was reading it, I felt really warm in my chest.

Thank you for this hard magnificent story. I hobe I get better than you one day.

Anyway, what is your favourite paring in teen titans? Robstar, Robrae; Bbrae, Bbterra.
poetrymagic12 chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
This is so cute! It makes so much sadder to what ends up happening that Jaune has to go back to the past to fix it. I just hope by the end of your other story you have them back in the future...and returns to the normal timeline when Ruby and their children are alive again. Except things are changed due to him messing with the past.

Write more stuff like this...your Lancaster is so precious. I want more.
Caboose.RvB343 chapter 1 . 12/14/2017
This was so fucking heart warming it’s unbelievable. You are one amazing writer I hope you kill vlad in the most deserved revenge way that prick.