Reviews for Alleviate Part Three: Alleviate
Noondarkly chapter 1 . 9/16/2018 still my heart!
Thank you for this wonderfully worded and constructed and built story, the dialogues truly in character (even the non-quoted ones), the tension wonderfully building and the ending perfectly raw and genuine and real.
It makes me so happy to know that Michael and Alex go together in someone else's mind! 3
And bless Sara for understanding - although honestly, who wouldn't - yeah. Bliss.
Thank you, you brought back memories and reminded me of how I love this show still - and hoping to see Alex in the next season ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2018
I've been reading this again and love it again. Those two together is kind of magical. I just wish Sarah would have a bigger part in it. Kind of wish she would be attracted to Alex as well and him to her. A Threesome of a kind maybe?

Anyway, I will favor all three stories of the series.