Reviews for Dimensions Of The Heart
Cosmo39 chapter 7 . 11/3/2019
I love that Gwen and robin are becoming friends. I’m also wondering what it’ll take for mike to go easier on Gwen, very stubborn. Her and Steve’s connection is also sooo good, loving her sass.
itsolive chapter 7 . 10/26/2019
Omg you updated, got excited when i saw it.

Gwen’s finally making friends and she’s even been introduced to Robin! I also can’t wait to see the stuff Mike’d do to get Gwen annoyed.

Can’t wait for the next update! Xx
Ignorantly-apathetic chapter 7 . 10/26/2019
Yay, she's making friieeennddsss. I'm so thrilled u added Robin in :) :) and later on, her flipping off Steve as a symbol of friendship (and maybe more) is eveything!
Guest chapter 6 . 9/25/2019
I can't wait to see Gwen meeting Jonathan. I think she would really like him (in a platonic way of course). I think she will admire the fact that Jonathan is so close to Will because most siblings don't usually get along (especially when there's a certain age gap). She would for sure admire how affectionate and genuine he is around people he cares about. Also they're both kind of loners. Gwen has friends back in Derry of course but like you mentioned they're slowly distancing themselves from each other. It would be nice to see them befriending one another.
nhern1109 chapter 6 . 9/25/2019
When will you be updating
Guest chapter 1 . 9/14/2019
This is incredible. Need more soon!
WinchesterDixonBros chapter 6 . 9/13/2019
Nice story. Very curious to see how Gwen reacts to Eleven whenever she shows up
yepitslaura chapter 6 . 8/17/2019
I hope you update soon because I just read all the chapters in like an hour; love the story so far!
Cosmo39 chapter 6 . 7/19/2019
I’m glad you’re starting off with Steve being a bit of a jerk, very true to season 1. I also love her conversation with carol and tommy, I always felt like not enough people brought them down a peg in the series.
Jojo chapter 6 . 7/18/2019
Is Gwen into art? Cuz like what if instead of her having to bring it up on her own about why she's sad, one of the kids discovers her drawings of IT and the things he made her see. Then Mike could have a 'flashback' to the first night Gwen had night terrors and thought he heard her mention yellow eyes during her screaming. I feel like if she mentions it on her own no one will believe it but having visual proof to some of what he did, what he looks like and maybe what he said could help paint the puncture for what she went thru. Eleven would also be able to verify that Gwen is being truthful. Did she bring books from Derry? The ones that talk about the monster and the missing kids and how its every 20something years that happens because IT has a sleep cycle? Cuz that could also help the people in her life believe. Fucking hate clowns. Can't wait for an update!
BrySt1 chapter 6 . 7/18/2019
I really really enjoyed this chapter! I can't wait for Gwen to teach Tommy H, Carol, and Steve some manners lol
blueerimartian chapter 6 . 7/17/2019
RoseAmeliaSarahNoblePond chapter 6 . 7/17/2019
I am relieved that you planned to let Gwen stay till season 3 because it means that there will be plenty more chapters to come! Anyways, its a wonderful chapter, good job! Keep up the good work and please update soon! I must be really annoying you, I know but i can't help it because you write so well and i want to know how it all goes!
Guest chapter 5 . 7/14/2019
This is dope so far. Hopefully she develops a cconnection with the kids. Also i hope Steve and her develope a relationship quickly. I hate nancy. She doesn't deserve how good a person Steve is. And hes good with kids.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/7/2019
best season out of all of them
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