Reviews for The Star Spangled Man With A Plan
Halo chapter 9 . 7/14
Guys stop with the harem pairings, it probably won’t happen, just because girls are being thirsty for Steve doesn’t mean it’s a harem, it’s normal for Steve to accidentally attract the ladies, but he’s most likely NOT gonna pursue them.
Schniedragon88 chapter 9 . 7/14
I don't remember exactly how I stumbled across this story, but I need more now. Stay safe and I hope you update soon!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/23
lo que voy a comentar no tiene nada que ver con el fanfic, pero bueno xd, no sé porque, pero se me ocurrió la idea de incluir a "Steve" de Minecraft, si lo sé, suena muy loco xd, pero antes de eso, para que el personaje tenga contexto, primero escribiré una historia acerca del mundo de Minecraft (antes de enviarlo a ese mundo).
Toa IceHeart chapter 6 . 6/3
Monster is a relative term Mr. Beasley. To a mouse a cat is a monster. You're just used to being the fat cat.
Blaze1992 chapter 9 . 5/12
Well it's unique though kinda having a hard time believing Steve beat hordes of merc's and Orc's by himself.

I mean wasn't he pretty tired in the first avengers movie with only a 2 hour battle with limited ranged aliens yet here your saying he faced hundred's of men and orc's did not tire him out?

I could see it easier if Steve had thor's old hammer, but otherwise I think he would tire before beating them all.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/29
Es... hermoso
HanadaMB chapter 1 . 4/29
Excellent writing, i especially liked how the captain was portrayed keep it up
grudgematch chapter 9 . 4/23
why do I get the feeling that Maia is going to be sparing with him and "accidentally" cut pieces of his clothes off and say oops each time
Evowizard25 chapter 9 . 4/20
I'm going to be honest with you. I can't help but bloody well love how you portray Steve. A lot of the times writers can't help but make their characters really confrontational with the likes of Maia. (Always putting them down. Making the MC look better, etc. etc.) It always makes the MC look like a jerkass and it's even worse when we're supposed to like him and so are the characters in the story. No, you have Steve stay really respectful and kind. Understanding and willing to compromise but unafraid of speaking his mind when he thinks something is wrong. You both have him in character and make it so it makes sense people in the world would like him. Even Maia. So kudos for that. Really prefer characters like this.

The story is pretty good. I love what you're doing with everyone else. The character interactions are top notch and you've got a good handle on comedy. So thanks for adding some of that in between the more serious aspects of this story so it's not all doom and gloom. I can't wait to read what happens next. (Also, nice Spidey omake. XD MCU Spiderman is the perfect guy to put in situations like that. Hope he has a long happy life with his lewd wife XD. Of course, better watch out if our sexy Black Cat might try and worm her way into his heart too.) Love it all.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/15
More specifically, he stole a line of dialogue that you used for Maia when she meets Steve Trevor, right down to the description and language.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/15
Just wanted to give you a heads up - a writer named ghostdog2ad is plagiarising your work.
joeyginise chapter 9 . 4/16
So, this maybe a bit late, but I vote for Steve x Maia. Assuming you decide not to give him a way home of course. She is the cool redhead, so that is a plus. This is fun, and dumb, but still fun.
Rankin de Merthyr chapter 9 . 4/14
Yeah, not Water World. I am uncomfortable with the dark, unfathomable depths of the ocean. I'll deal a monster truck on fire, coming at me at Mach speed than speedboats and whatever the fuck could be in the deeps, thank you very much.
Rankin de Merthyr chapter 8 . 4/14
Guest chapter 5 . 4/12
"Leaving Steve alone with the Princess Knight of Isis herself." LMAO
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