Reviews for Reflections of the Soul
jaajtakua chapter 5 . 8/16
Still waiting patiently for the day that you return...

Hope everything is good on your end :)
Drifting is Bliss chapter 1 . 7/16
So in your A/N, you're saying that you want Natsu to unleash his full potential? I whole-heartedly agree with that plan, if that's what it is!
faizalsyach chapter 5 . 5/15
Update please
bakaakuma0 chapter 5 . 4/29
Love the story I hope that you continue on no matter how long it takes
Guest chapter 2 . 11/24/2019
Well, considering a salamander in Japanese folklore was a fire attributed beast, it does make sense.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/17/2019
Good job on how you react to hate mail. People who send it really don't know what the heck they're doing with their lives.

Anyway. Kudos that you actually plan your own stories instead of just writing whatever you feel like. Planning gives things a lot more depth. Also I think it's cool how you explain to your readers what you are doing each chapter and how you are planning to do it, I think it really clears up the confusion.

Now about the story itself. I can't say I have very much criticism. This is really a good story and has its own individualism, even if it is mainly following the original plot of fairy tail. Mostly whenever someone says anything along the lines of Natsu and power boost, they make him grossly overpowered and still extend the battles for pages and pages. There was this one story I read- didn't finish it as it annoyed me to much- that Natsu was already on the same power level as Gildarts by the time cannon came around. I usually like the comedic element of that, like one punch man, but they still tried to drag out the battles that he should have finished in one hit. Like against Erigor.

Thank you for that utter destroyal of Erigor. It was very satisfying to read.
Llamacorn chapter 5 . 10/26/2019
Hey man just wanna say that I just read both your one piece story as well as your fairy tail one and I loved both of them! I think you did a really good job with a more AU approach then most if not all others. The characters truly felt real and their new backstories and emotional troubles transitioned smoothly into the story. Also your OCS are pretty cool as well! I don't know if you'll read this or are still writing but I can't wait till you write again!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/28/2019
I really like your story, and though you are an amateur ( you said yourself), I feel that this story is already pretty great compared to others on this website. I look forward to the next chapter. Also, you mentioned in one of the previous chapters the two directions the story can take. I think Natsu should stay in the sphere, because his inner circle(aka Gajeel and Lucia) will likely stay in the sphere in the case that he doesn’t and not only will that make Natsu x Lucia a bit weird because of the age gap, but Natsu will have to spend 7 years without his friends. The situation with Lisanna and Happy would probably repeat itself and potentially halt Natsu’s character development in its place. While the ‘Natsu taking over Tartarus’ sounds badass and cool, sacrificing character development for badassary is sorta a no-no in writing.
soundbreaker chapter 5 . 9/21/2019
Bro bond iron & fire next chapter natsu and gajeel have like a bro bond type scene like : natsu "you don't remember me don't you gajeel ". Waile having a normal talk after there fight and then just out of the blue natsu says something like " you know u and your blue friend should join fairy tail "
Guest chapter 5 . 7/31/2019
Here's something I think you'll be interested in. Instead of giving Gajeel an Iron Shadow Dragon Mode, give him a Thunder Iron Dragon Mode. It makes sense since iron can conduct electricity, and also goes with an awesome Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Thundering Hammer Shockwave: Gajeel turns his arms into hammers, charges them with electricity, and slams them down, cracking the earth and releasing a large pulse wave of electricity. It's up to you to use it.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/31/2019
I have a few ideas for attacks for Gajeel. One is Iron Dragon Cannon: He transforms his arm into an grey cannon, similar to Megamans Mega Buster, and fires a cannonball of iron and magic energy. Not that accurate or long ranged, but destructive. Next is Iron Dragon Wing Attack: He covers his arms in a vortex of iron, like his roar, and whips them out. Finally is Iron Dragon Barb Whip: He creates a long, flexible iron whip covered in sharp barbs to lock onto and hurt foes.
Guest chapter 4 . 7/31/2019
I kind of agree with your statement on the other Slayer magics, but if you ever do decide to incorporate them, I have a few ideas including transformations and moves. Like God Slayer moves are based on different Deities, like Hephaestus and Hestia, while I've made Devil Slayer magic based of a sort of Fire Make magic, using demonic purple flames darker than Purple Flare.
logan45 chapter 5 . 7/26/2019
Love ur story man keep on the good work.
marcos01morales chapter 5 . 7/19/2019
Man, I ser your fic like a very elaborated one and you write those author notes too explainig everything that maybe could confused someone, for me this fic is very good, congratzs un your well done writing and I Hope that you continue this
Guest55 chapter 5 . 6/16/2019
I hope you’re doing alright with your studies and your work man. Can’t wait to see any of these awesome stories come back whenever they arrive.
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