Reviews for Yuletide Blessing in Disguise
Traveler301 chapter 1 . 7/16
Man! You scared me there, I was afraid that Harry was too thick to realize how much he liked Hermione. The boy really seriously needs some help with his thinking process, and someone needs to, evidently, paint him a picture as he so apparently, dense as a post.
Ron Pate
Cbase2013 chapter 6 . 7/1
do you think JKR was calling Ronald ia maroon/i on perpose, with the same sweaters from his mum every year?

Something i thought of while reading chap 7
HermionePotter129 chapter 1 . 6/14
God Ronald You cant just ask people why they are blushing
healeroffates chapter 32 . 5/23
Great to see you back, fantastic chapter, keep up the good work!
Arcanos chapter 32 . 5/19
okay... confused...why did fanfic app updated the story? was any chapter updated or 're edited?
Harmione4everandevr chapter 5 . 5/1
I’ve read your fic moments in love and I thought that was amazing and this might even be better so thank you for writing this
jmw03u chapter 32 . 4/14
Great story! I especially loved the tasks.
Gajevyaddict chapter 32 . 3/13
ahhhhhhhhh! i ran out of words! noooooo
Gajevyaddict chapter 24 . 3/13
omg im dead. dead from laughing. this is hilarious perfection. this story is GOLD
OnlyHHR chapter 32 . 3/8
It was worth the wait. Thank you for writing!
RLD Flame-point Callie-co chapter 32 . 3/7
Thanks for updating - very glad to see this story isn't abandoned.

Loved Hermione being there for Harry as he struggles to deal with what he witnessed, and the way she wasn't having any of his misguidedly noble attempts to break up with her 'for her own safety' like he did to Ginny in canon. But of course Hermione will never leave him no matter what, and uses her unassailable logic to talk him out of doing something so foolish - and even Ron came through, pointing out the obvious fact that Harry needs her. I'm proud of him for being so mature about accepting their relationship.

Hope to see more soon, whenever you're able to write :)
Yoto chapter 32 . 3/3
Bon. Chapitre
Dexter Riley chapter 32 . 3/4
Great chapter
animeArty chapter 32 . 3/4
Great Chapter Thanks for the read, reread the whole thing in a day to make sure that I haven't forgotten anything. hope to read the updates soon. Thanks!
Guest chapter 32 . 3/2
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