Reviews for Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger the movie: Heart of Kalos
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 2 . 2/8/2018
Good that Red and Lillie found their way to Gurkinn. Cana and Hau got to help Valerie out. I take it that Serena miscarried...

End A/N:
...that was weird.
QUEENSPELLER67 chapter 1 . 2/6/2018
Hm. I wonder why Lysandre had to take a pill. The group is now in Kalos.
Vaeron the Great chapter 4 . 1/12/2018
That was an excellent conclusion to Pokemon: The Heart of Kalos. It had an awesome story-line and I thoroughly enjoyed every part of it. I really liked the way that Lysandre was depicted. It truly is too bad that this was your last Pokemon Fanfiction. Once again I hope you reconsider but that is all your choice. :)

I plan on reading your Star Wars story as I am a big fan of that franchise too. So see you then. :)

Oh also...
(I plan on rereading your Ash's Beginnings again). XD
Vaeron the Great chapter 3 . 1/6/2018
Well, as it turns out, Lysandre trully was evil. He is probably one of my favorite villains in the Pokemon franchise. Red appears to be right on his way towards being an Aura Guardian. I hope Ash also becomes one! :) Speaking of Ash, neither him nor Serena were in this chapter...odd. I'm assuming you have something awesome planned for them in the next chapter. :)
Vaeron the Great chapter 2 . 1/5/2018
Awesome chapter dude! I liked how all of the couples took their own paths and had their own monsters and side stories. It was something new and I felt as though it really worked. :)

On a side note, I was geeking out the entire time with the Aura Guardian piece. The fact that you re-introduced them for this 'movie' was awesome! :)

Author's Note Response: ...Well...I mean I guess you could say that they have found a way to pass their yeah...this got awkward fast... XD

Well done! Cannot wait to see what happens next! :)
WhoLover chapter 4 . 1/1/2018
Well, I guess this is the end then. At least it went out with a bang.
Lysandre's new origin was interesting, and him getting his condition from being incomplete was a nice plot point.
That Chrome Zyuranger though. He is goddamn amazing, shame we only get to see him here.
That part where Pikachu leads the Pokemon was a nice touch too.

Well, good chapter, and good story.
Shadow Fennekin chapter 2 . 12/30/2017
I like what you're doing with Gary and Ash, Hau and Moon on the other hand... they feel cheated compared to what the others are doing. Still don't give a damn about Red, Red sucks in any incarnation.
Moon and Hau just feel like they're here for the ride
Vaeron the Great chapter 1 . 12/30/2017
And we are back in my homeland of Kalos! Woohoo! This brings back some awesome memories of the original "Ash's Beginnings" (which is still super cool even though I have reread it at least seven times XD ). I really like what you have done so far. I can't tell if Lysandre is in fact evil or not as of right now. I'm leaning towards 'yes', but we will see what happens next! Also, Clemont/Shauna is a pretty good pairing and we still have young Bonnie delivering humor towards Clemont's lack of romantics. Excellent work as always STORYmaker2! :)
Guest chapter 2 . 12/30/2017
dude wtf is up with this crossover i totally did not expect that but cool idea. anyhow red being trained, can you not turn this into him becoming a full aura gardian unless ash does the same.
WhoLover chapter 2 . 12/29/2017
Well, I guess you can't escape your Kalosian origins. Red becoming an Aura Guardian sounds awesome though.
It's a shame we won't see Korrina in this story, but if Gurkinn takes her place, then it's even better.

You're really going all out with personal side-plots, though aren't you? Gladion, Gary, Red, Serena and Hau all seem to have their own sub-plot, and they all seem unique.

Anyway, good chapter.
WhoLover chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
Loving what you're doing with Lysandre so far, you really capture what his character was supposed to be: a man who loves the world, and its natural beauty, but dislikes humans.
Well, the plot is seeming rather thick, which is good.
Looking forward to this one, though it's a shame that it'll be the last.
UltimateAvengers chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
Interesting move, giving Lysandre some sort of "genetic condition." That WOULD definitely alter his motives from canon. I'm excited to see how this pans out. :)
Shadow Fennekin chapter 1 . 12/29/2017
Hm... Lysandre taking after Two-Face?