Reviews for Mistletoe
Guest chapter 5 . 12/6/2018

No idea whether you're still here, or still write in general, or AkechixAkira in particular, but just so you know: This story has warmed my heart - with just the right amount of action AND Germanic mythology (that made me especially happy) sprinkled on top. Also, this topic is something I've been thinking about often: Not even Akira could take in stride giving up his powers, his friends, and anything remotely resembling adventuring. The ending was more damaging than bittersweet for him, I'd think.

And you went and picked up exactly that, with the distorted cognitions of his friends (interestingly enough, even they had the earning for freedom the real Phantom Thieves had), and his semi-distorted Palace, where he actually wanted to be... Speaking of, Morgana mentioned Persona users can't have a Palace, but then again, Morgana's theories (eg you can't have more than one persona *ahem*) have been debunked often enough.

Thank you for writing this, now I'm off to read the sequel! I'll probably won't comment, since I'm usually a both lazy and silent reader, so...

Merry early Christmas? :D
gajelly chapter 5 . 3/18/2018
this has ruined me. thank you for this.