Reviews for Paths of the Arc
Avalon gx chapter 1 . 7/16
Hey you should do knight of the fallen order next

This is where we can really see ozpin as the manipulative parasite that he is
xXKentonHatakeXx chapter 17 . 6/3
PUPPY ARC! aewkjfnwqkjlefnewakjfnwkjfeqwnjkdnjeaifuawkfjewsf
Guest chapter 17 . 4/19
Tetho chapter 1 . 4/1

Though I like Arkos ship.
CaninNeo chapter 1 . 4/1
Please, stop the bias. It hurts my brain reading this, even though I like your story.
Guest chapter 17 . 3/3
Loving this fanfic! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Six02 chapter 14 . 2/18
I'm still not sure how these work but I've really enjoyed this, I like how you keep the main cast not in the 'viewed worlds' so grounded.
RIG438642 chapter 1 . 2/3
Hey Masseffect Txs just release his story Restart aren't going to be doing yours?
gonzo22 chapter 4 . 12/7/2019
Sorry but I'm never a fan of bashing. I think that your 'Void' should stay neutral and shouldn't be basically a mouthpiece for you. Sorry but I always thought bashing was very petty, unnecessary and just poor story writing element.
Siegfried XIII chapter 11 . 12/2/2019
Hey quick question, are you going to include Mass' Legend of the white wolf in this, if you haven't read it I highly recommend it.
Nyxilios chapter 17 . 11/14/2019
Hope you get better mate i honestly like your writing
Hell im writing my own original story (Its going to be the death of me tho) but i look forward to new chapters
Mr Cloth chapter 17 . 11/3/2019
What about "A New King of Darkness"?
Omarnosian10 chapter 17 . 10/23/2019
Maybe you can do "a knight's final fight" by jauneforever. It could raise Jaune's self-esteem and lessen his recklessness. And it could show everyone a new side of him. I hope that if Jaune gets a harem, Blake's in it. VIVA LA NIGHTSHADE!
burstroc chapter 1 . 10/19/2019
how about the deck of heroes or stacking deck would be a good read
WearyCurmudgeon chapter 14 . 10/18/2019
Well, if we're going with "words of wisdom".

Inspired by certain Harry Potter and Naruto Fics: "What use is wealth and power, when you have but only shades and phantoms to share it with?"

The last one is something that came to mind when I read about the "Captain Britain" related character known as "Lionheart" from Marvel Comics. (Was prep work for a HP/Marvel cross idea.)

This applies to the "choice" offered by the character Merlyn as to whether people get the Medallion of Right or the Sword of Might.

"Might without right is simply tyranny. But right without might is simply toothless. So choosing one over the other is folly. Both are needed to protect the innocent."
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