Reviews for Rewriting Destiny
Lizeth747 chapter 76 . 7/24
Wow no tengo palabras para describir como me siento y desearía tenerlas porque este fanfic ha sido absolutamente maravilloso, la manera en que describiste todo y como le diste personalidad a personajes que nunca hemos visto interactuar realmente fue increíble.
Me hubiera gustado mas dramione pero entiendo perfectamente que el enfoque de toda la historia no era ese y me encanto ver los puntos de vista de gran parte de los personajes.
Me hiciste llorar jaja, las partes de Draco recordando a su madre y cuando le contó a Narcisa que ella había sido su madre en otra vida se me hizo súper significativo. Además de que me gusto que Lucius amara lo suficiente a su esposa para dejar a Voldemort, aunque me quede esperando que Voldemort reaccionara a eso, ya que se me hace raro que no hubiera dicho nada cuando uno de sus mortífagos mas confiables le dio la espalda.
Tienes mucho talento y desearía saber ingles para poder leérmelo en su idioma original jaja.
El wolfstar me hubiera gustado que mostraras mas como se dio pero entiendo que tenias muchas cosas que contar, aunque hubiera deseado mas desarrollo me encanto y es que ellos juntos son tan lindos.
Lily y James simplemente perfectos y me encanto que Severus en esta linea de tiempo si encontro el amor y no estaba obsesionado con Lily.
Fue maravilloso leer este fanfic y me tele transporto a un mundo diferente, me despido deseándote mis mejores deseos y espero que sigas escribiendo porque lo haces asombroso.
Lizeth747 chapter 38 . 7/22
️️ así quedé con los antepasados de Lily
Paola Alarsil chapter 76 . 7/20
Goes to my favourites! I loved it! It was amazing to read . Thank you for share!
tcl7189 chapter 76 . 7/5
Nice job.. Thanks for your time and effort..
ZeldaSeverous chapter 76 . 6/23
Natt chapter 76 . 6/21
I loved the story, it was so wonderful, i mean everythink waa so well think, It was definitely the best
your miss cadaverous chapter 76 . 6/19
I love this so much!
lalaarjona30 chapter 73 . 6/9
Sigh this is why I should finish reading before commenting, my confusion has been cleared!
lalaarjona30 chapter 73 . 6/9
Huh why are they using sectumsempra? Snape created that curse, and even when he became a Death Eater he never gave this curse to anybody. Unless Snape turned somewhere between chapter 60 and now, it makes no sense for Lord Black to die for such curse.
lalaarjona30 chapter 39 . 6/9
HOLY SMOKES this is actually an amazing plot twist. And could connect to Harry’s abilities! Bravo I love it
Enigmaticrose4 chapter 76 . 5/31
So, I read this at some point, but had forgotten til I was a few chapters in. No clue why as it’s such a good fic. I can also tell how you grew as a writer over the years you wrote it. Primarily in terms of grammar (a lot of present and past tense verbs in the same sentences early on), but also in terms of dialog and sentence flow. Thank you so much for writing and sharing this!
Potterhead451 chapter 76 . 5/20
I love Dramione, I love time travel fics, I love the Marauders era. this story is a combination of all of those and I absolutely love it! By far one of my favorite time travel fics I've read. thanks for sharing such an amazing story.
Gizzy's Mama chapter 75 . 5/19
Such a wonderful story to lose yourself in. A fantastic universe that gives the characters that got handed horrible fates in cannon, a chance at a better life. Thank you for this. I’m sure I’ll return again to relive this epic adventure over and over.
Gizzy's Mama chapter 24 . 5/15
Reading this story again. Such a gem! Bellatrix listening to Tom, “with blood as ancient as his”. Pfft... half his blood was ancient and half his blood was muggle. But he didn’t advertise that on the Death Eater recruitment fliers I’m sure.
StoriesForTheMature chapter 21 . 5/10
Nice going, Dumbledore *rolls eyes*

I mean, he's seen enough bad Slytherins, but there are plenty of good ones!
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