Reviews for Danmachi: The Supporter
natza chapter 4 . 3/22
Hey, I know that you probably won’t be able to see this but I absolutely loved this entire fanfic. Thank you, for giving me what I wanted and that I wasn’t able to find for such a long time.
HonkiFrog chapter 4 . 1/18/2019
well this story was better than i thought it would be its worth the time reading this!
Markus Ramikin chapter 4 . 4/10/2018
Not bad, despite a Deus Ex Machina ending - literally.

But I have to say Hestia without Bell is not the same. The interactions with Aiz have no glaring flaws, but lack chemistry. I prefer to think Bell never existed in this reality, as opposed to coming to some bad end before even meeting her, but still...
hit0k1ri chapter 4 . 1/29/2018
Thanks for all your feedback Dxrshan. I'm glad you stuck with it until the end even if it's not necessarily what you may have wanted/expected.

And of course, thanks to everyone that took the time to post a review! I appreciate all feedback.
Dxrshan chapter 4 . 1/29/2018
Nice fanfic, I liked how you kept the characters inline wi source materials, that’s what most people don’t do or do it badly, hopefully you’re next fanfic could be with bell and aiz? Or atatleast someone/something like that
Guest chapter 4 . 1/28/2018
Interesting take. Glad you wrote it
Dxrshan chapter 3 . 1/19/2018
Awesome update! Cri for ze Bell, when you talked about how it would be beffiting if you fight youre original opponent, I thought you were talking about bell and the Minotaur was Asterius or something lol, I was gonna get so hyped. Good fanfic none the less but bete feels out of place, he looks down in the weak especially level 1 and also says stupid shit she drunk but still enjoyed it
Guest chapter 2 . 1/15/2018
Fantastic!This story is really a profesional artwork!You have my support.
Dxrshan chapter 2 . 1/12/2018
Keep updating! But I still cri for no bell.. or my advice
derpslurp chapter 1 . 1/8/2018
Im pretty sure bell isn't meant to be in this story just from reading it, but I may be wrong. I like your idea though Mr. Guest. I also love this story and hope it keeps getting updated.
Dxrshan chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Honestly such a great start to a fanfic, it never crossed to my mind that Finn, Riveria and Gareth would ever die so this is quite suprising, I like the way you didn’t go for the old Harem with bell or some shit like that, I’m hooked onto the story and will keep updated. Looking forward to the next fanfic but do involve bell in it and have a bit of romance but not until he has his character progressed and he is at a high enough level with plenty of battles and experience and then gradually introduce the romance like they have for the Light Novels, that’s what I and most other people would like to read anyways, good luck!