Reviews for We Should Have Stopped at Five
Prisma19 chapter 7 . 5/7
This was an amazing story, it was adorable and so much fun to read. I loved all of your twists to their origin stories. I love these type of stories because it is fun to see what their lives would have been like if they were married and acted like normal parents as well as seeing what the children’s lives would have been like if they acted like normal kids.

Some of my favorite parts where: Jason chasing Dick with a shoe, Dick seeing Jason for the first time, Cass running into Bruce’s arms and taking care of Tim, Timmy explaining and taking pictures with Bruce, Alfred being amusing by telling them they shouldn’t eat Pop Tarts for breakfast (even though he lets them), and Bruce and Selina admitting how happy they are to have all of these kids in their lives. Thanks so much for writing this story I loved it! I would love it if you continue writing it but only if you want to.
annaandherbooks chapter 7 . 4/27
Awwww, this one's so cute! You're so good at writing adorable stuff and family moments!
Uia chapter 7 . 7/30/2019 Selina being part of the crazy Bat-family

great work...update soon
Loftcat27 chapter 7 . 6/7/2019
This is really great. Thank you. :)
Echoes 01 chapter 6 . 12/9/2018
I really enjoyed this chapter :) I love the idea of Tim brig trained as a little assassin child alongside Cass while Dick and Jason get to have a relatively normal childhood.
Beasttamer99 chapter 5 . 9/10/2018
i like the story. thank you for write it. i love it.
annieduncan17 chapter 1 . 7/15/2018
Very interesting AU, please update! I loved it!
Echoes 01 chapter 3 . 3/5/2018
I loved seeing the look into Dick’s background in this AU. It was interesting how you managed to decrease the age of Dick’s adoption but keep most of the major points of his backstory in tact. With a younger Dick being adopted he’s more comfortable about thinking of Bruce as his dad but too young to go off and force Bruce to let him fight crime lol. I’m really looking forward to reading the rest of the kids’ backstories :)
Guest chapter 2 . 2/1/2018
Aw this is so cute! Please make more chapters! I absolutely love this story so far :)
Echoes 01 chapter 2 . 1/28/2018
Lol, kid logic is the best logic.

I was wondering if you are going to write about how the kids all came to be living with Bruce and Selina. I can probably infer from basic bat-history how Dick got there but if Jason, Cass, and Tim don’t know he’s Batman, Jason probably didn’t steal the Batmobile’s tires. Not sure about how Cass or Tim would have wound up there. I have theories but hopefully I’ll get to read their backstories for this AU and see if I’m right :)

Looking forward to the next chapter! Great job!
ccandy chapter 2 . 1/27/2018
wohoo! thanks for the update! lovely as always
Echoes 01 chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
This is super cute :) Do the kids know about Bruce’s night activities?
Princess Of Flames chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Oh my god! This is adorable! I absolutely love it!
Keep up the great work.
Make more and update soon
Keep writing
Princess Of Flames
ccandy chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
Awww.. This is so.. How to say it cute? More please... :D
Siren with legs chapter 1 . 1/7/2018
OMG, this was so funny! I loved baby Robins and Cass!