Reviews for 82: Collateral Grief
Solyluna chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
you have a point there,
also that with his sister, he discovered that revenge on beings from his past is not felt.
AwkwardFudgeball chapter 1 . 1/16/2018
I'm not crying, you're crying.

I love this lots! I really like all the layers that are in your stories, especially this one :)
SSJGamerYT chapter 1 . 1/15/2018
I really liked the whole El and Mike say dead people part of this book. I also wondered how that would affect them, especially El. I loved how you mentioned that even the people who worked at the lab had people who cared about them, and that they didn't deserve to die especially that cruelly, and how Mike said there's a difference between being not being sad when someone dies and wanting them to die and how you had El remember the events with her, Kali, and the bad man.
unicornkeeper chapter 1 . 1/13/2018
None of this had actually occurred to me, unlike some of the other reviewers. I just get too jumpy with scenes like that so no thinking happens. But I like this exploration of completely relatable feelings.
mildred meadowlark chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
This was wonderfully pensive and introspective. I really liked your take on this, and I love true you stay to Mike and El's characters. They always feel so real. Thanks for another great fic!
mildred meadowlark chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
You're so right. Hopper has always been a grumpy old man.
Movie Riggs chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
I liked this one a lot. Makes complete sense to me that El would have recognized some of the faces when she went back into the lab, and it's important to highlight that these are thirteen or fourteen-year old kids dealing with monsters and death. Kudos to you for the concept of the story alone.
LoneStarGirl93 chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
Aww I loved this. Great portrayal, writing, and the cuteness. I LOVE Mileven and you did this so well. Thank you for being awesome :)
Resisting-Moonlight chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
I was the same way.. Wondering how she felt going back there and seeing familiar faces. It had to have been hard for her. And I know she often feels like a monster for opening the gate and killing people to protect herself and her friends. Poor thing! Glad she has her small group of friends as a family.
justsomeotherguy chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
The fact that this little girl has killed so many people (even if they deserved it), and that she could do it again so easily, is a horrible burden to carry. At least Hopper can help her with it somewhat.
speedermeen chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
I always want ti scream when I think about episode 8. Like Joyce and Hopper are adults and Will is unconscious, but Mike is a KID. And everytime I watch the part when they get out, I DO scream that Mike runs out and tries to hold Will. Then Joyce goes back in and Hopper goes in after her and the poor kid’s just there with his possessed best friend and then Joyce is sobbing and Hopper brings her out (and I watched it with subtitles one time so that’s how I know this) and Mike yells “What happened?!” and you can hear the terror in his voice and he hands Will off to Hopper and comforts Joyce and that is my run on sentence about that part ;). I loooooooved this though and never thought about El knowing them...
phieillydinyia chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
Poor El
deleteduserFormerlyMuffinstuff chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
Jesus. First of all, thanks for the mileven bit in there- I needed that. Second of all, I had the exact same thought. "What if maybe, she even LIKED some of the people?" We know for a fact that some of them were kind to her, even cared for her, behind Brenner's back. So I am glad that you made this fic. It kinda helped me make peace with that.

Also, do you take requests? If you do, I have a few that I know would be AMAZING if written by you lol

~CC x
Orange Pens and Messy Hands chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
I've read all of your stranger things fics and even a few from before that and I wanted to say I loved them all. Keep on writing because you're clearly so amazing at it.
Violet Rose of Darkness chapter 1 . 1/11/2018
Awwwwww! So cute! My poor Ellie. She's such a smol bean.
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