Reviews for Rhapsody in Blue
SonOfCoul27 chapter 7 . 4/2/2019
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thank you so much for writing this! I absolutely loved it and it completely made my day! :D
SonOfCoul27 chapter 5 . 4/2/2019
Noooo Lance! D: those monsters, how could they?!

Thank you for writing this masterpiece! XD
SonOfCoul27 chapter 4 . 4/2/2019

Ack, this is so amazing! Thank you for writing this! XD
SonOfCoul27 chapter 1 . 3/25/2019
Aww, this was so amazing! Of course Lance trims his own hair XD thank you for writing this, I absolutely loved it! :D
Rehabilitated Sith chapter 1 . 12/26/2018
YES! Awesomeness.
JustARandomNerd chapter 6 . 10/22/2018
Oh my god. I love all these pieces. So much. Please keep writing!
Stratoc chapter 7 . 7/26/2018
This chapter was so incredibly cute! I liked how you described Lance's home and family life, and his struggles with feeling dumb. I also like the idea that both Lance and Hunk moved to America and found solace at a beach side camp. Super adorable.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/11/2018
Goodness, well isn't that the sweetest origin story of Lance and Hunk's friendship ever. I loved all the details, from the popsicles to the eyelashes to what I'm guessing was horchata in Lance's house. Your writing always feels so real and detailed, like you're describing something you know about instead of making it up. I love that, I love Lance being such a sweetie and a troublemaker at the same time, and Marco and Veronica and the moms. Beautiful story, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
RJLadyA chapter 5 . 7/8/2018
i really want a continuation of this one lol
An Amber Pen chapter 7 . 7/4/2018
I could definitely see that being a canon thing. Please keep writing!
StuffedToyTiger chapter 7 . 7/4/2018
Aw so cute. Little Lance and little Hunk. And it had such a summer mood, fitting this season.
Mkben chapter 7 . 7/4/2018
Aww this is so Cuteee
dragoscilvio chapter 7 . 7/4/2018
Awwww so sweet!
NightCourtRuby chapter 6 . 6/18/2018
Thorny Hedge chapter 1 . 6/3/2018
Hey... it's been almost a month since you updated "The Company." Not like I'm counting.

Ok, okay... I'm counting!

I'm going through withdrawal!

Are you all right?

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