Reviews for Sebastian Severus Snape
Guest chapter 15 . 5/18/2019
How long can it take to update?!

Do it soon if possible
Guest chapter 15 . 12/4/2018
What about Aristole
ej-83 chapter 15 . 11/16/2018
Lol.. Hope that the school will have a better score n placements in terms of studies and etc soon.. Give the old man some reality check that hogwarts is not the premier school of magic of the whole world or britain.. As for the name.. Hmmm.. Keep up the good work
briana.schmidt1 chapter 15 . 11/15/2018
This is amazing. I am currently writting my own fabric, but if you need help at all don't hesitate to ask
white collar black wolf chapter 15 . 11/15/2018
Liked it
Q chapter 1 . 11/14/2018
I don’t get the hate with James tbh. I understand that he was an a-hole to snape but they were teens. And if you can recall, I think it was Remus that said that snape gave as much as he got. So it wasn’t a one way hate from James. I mean snape was a death eater and believed in voldys ideals. So that tells you how snape really feels about Lilly. Snape was ok with voldy killing all the innocent people he killed but not the woman he was obsessed with. Snape was ok with voldy killing baby Harry as well as James. Even dumbledor said that he was disgusted with snape. All the while James was ready and willing to throw his life away for even a small chance of his wife and kid surviving. Now I’m not saying this to deter any snape lovers or anything like that. I’m just hoping that people understand that snape was an a-hole till the bitter end. He did whatever was going to benefit him and him alone. James was an a- hole that grew up which was why Lilly married the guy. All the while snape was bullying kids at hogwarts. I mean Lilly is supposed to be a smart woman so you would think she chose the right guy. Anyway small rant about Snape over. As for the story, I’m not a fan of the snapexlilly thing for obvious reasons so I’m going to have to pass on it. But I wish you good luck with the story.
tefe203 chapter 14 . 11/11/2018
to be continued
Guest chapter 3 . 10/4/2018
You need to take Harry Potter off your list of characters. He is not in your story. And no, changing him into what is essentially an original character in disguise (which everyone hates, and for good reason) doesn’t count.
Guest chapter 14 . 10/4/2018
Sorry but in your Lily is Alive ; in the other she was dead.
I hope James does not interfere with Lily and Severus
veira syndicate chapter 13 . 9/10/2018
when will you up... up up up
ej-83 chapter 13 . 7/14/2018
Well.. Set up entrance exams.. And onlu those who hv high scores can enter.. Since a school needs to hv standards.. If they are going to compete with hogwarts and other top magical and muggle education.. They hv to have high standards.. N also hv top and qualified teachers too with background checks and truth serums used.. N etc.. At least in my pov.. Anyway take ur time..
ej-83 chapter 12 . 6/3/2018
Hmph.. Still the same james.. But at least u r beginning to see it on ur own brat n know dat its wrong.. Muahahaha.. So sirius black has a sister? Hmm.. Oh well.. Ik that school will take a while to start but u kinda skipped a year or so ad.. So i tot that the school would partially be up for the younger kids already aka primary school or kinder garden.. So the elder ones only need to transfers to their years while the younger ones will be their 1st batch of students..
dojoson41 chapter 11 . 5/31/2018
Na put them both in Ravenclaw or Slithy
Qinlongfei chapter 2 . 5/30/2018
Not trying to be a nit picking lore nazi, but I'm pretty sure Lucius and Narcissa wouldn't address Lily and Prof. Snape as Lord and Lady Snape since to the best of my knowledge Snape is a non-magical family therefore wouldn't be recognized as a lord of magical world. Unless it's an in-joke between the friends, or you drastically changed the backstory of Prof. Snape for your story.

Otherwise it's pretty great.
ej-83 chapter 11 . 5/30/2018
N here i thought that they will the new school up and running already.. Lol.. So.. Cassi and ginny huh.. Well.. Lets hope ginny will not have a crush on sebastian.. Dun want them to hv a fight over him.. Put her in another house instead of wit her brothers.. That way both cassi and ginny can remain friends without any trouble except for her brother and gang.. If she is in gryffindor she will face trouble from both the gryffs n her brother.. Which is not fair to her.. Anyway keep up the good work
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