Reviews for One For The Road
Witty Eagle Proud Ravenclaw chapter 18 . 4/8
Brilliant story, and that Queen reference was VERY unexpected. Of COURSE Rory wouldn't want to say he liked Hot Space out loud!
Wondermorena chapter 20 . 3/27
I loved this adventure between Clara and 11, its been a while since I have read Whouffle fic where I almost forgot how fun 11 can be to the point where I was laughing at Clara seeing what she had signed up for. There was a weird feeling I had where Clara would have turned down the job but I had assumed it was because she thought the adventures were too much fun she couldn't do something so false but censoring their work even if she was getting paid to do what she was doing is practically selling out and glad even Clara noticed that instead of accepting the job even when she called them out. The moments with Rose were too funny, I did love how you incorporated the world of 10 and Rose into this Hitchhiker's Guide of pure fun XD
kellyestka chapter 20 . 3/15/2019
Sólo tengo agradecimientos para ti. He amado cada capítulo. Ha sido una historia inspiradora y muy hermosa. Gracias por tu dedicación. Me gustó mucho desde el primer capítulo hasta el último.
fashiongirl23 chapter 20 . 2/10/2019
Alikai chapter 20 . 2/10/2019
This story was everything that you could ever wish for in a story. The writing was brilliant, the characters were well done, and nothing even felt remotely off in the terms of it being an AU. I absolutely loved every single second of it.
jacks marie chapter 20 . 2/10/2019
Lovely ending.. ?
Tara chapter 20 . 2/10/2019
Awww i love them! Sequel? Please write more!
Tara chapter 19 . 2/6/2019
Aww i actually love them! Update soon!
jacks marie chapter 19 . 1/22/2019
!lovely chapter...Almost like being there. I think they will make a go of update..
fashiongirl23 chapter 18 . 1/6/2019
I can feel the end coming and I’m kind of excited, but I really don’t want to see this go. This is a good story.
whouffleee chapter 18 . 1/5/2019
great chapter! i hope the doctor and clara can finally confess their feelings to one another soon
Lizzy chapter 18 . 1/5/2019
Can’t believe this story is nearly over! Anxiously awaiting the next installment. :,)
Tara chapter 18 . 1/5/2019
I just love them! Update soon, i need to read more!
jacks marie chapter 18 . 1/5/2019
Oh I'm glad Clara turned Tash down...Something about her I did not like from the beginning of the She met the Ponds forward to your update.
Tara chapter 17 . 12/10/2018
Love this! I can’t wait for them to say how they truly feel about each other! A sequel maybe? I’d love to see where their relationship goes after this, they’ve previously talked about their desire for a family?
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