Reviews for Heat
WildSilence023 chapter 1 . 9/27/2018
Awww hahaha this was so so cute! i loved it xx
Antigone Rex chapter 1 . 6/9/2018
Ahhh the comfort of some tried and true tropes. You add a color and interest to these tropes that hint to the depth (and breadth) of their relationship. Even drunk, Riza appears to know exactly what she is doing. Delightful!
Midorikawaii chapter 1 . 2/22/2018
Nice story!
Teefarino chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
I. Love. This.
So in character, so funny, and suchh good details and word choices. Instant fave.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
Very good one shot. It's extremely well done.
calaba chapter 1 . 1/22/2018
Ah! This is so good - thank you for writing it! You captured their relationship so well, the desire and yet the need to stay professional. I liked the completeness of it. It was like you were telling a story with all the small allusions - the fact that he has a shirt at her home, the memory of the wine . . . I especially liked in the beginning when Riza's gaze was likened to a sunrise and you focused on heat, something that has a double entendre and that Roy knows well. What really stuck out to me too was your writing; everything flowed so well - it was tense and it was sexy and it was revealing of their past and it was paced just right. I admire your balance of the Colonel's thoughts and the progression of the story. Thanks again for writing, it was great!
Kinschi chapter 1 . 1/21/2018
oh wow katie that was incredible! You're so amazing at writing and this little story was fantastic. There is a lack of Drunk!Riza and you wrote it so well, poor Roy has to suffer while everyone else is basically allowed to lookbut then he gets his long awaited kiss and IT'S NOT ENOUGH! but nevertheless good! Amazing Job keep up the good work!
(also I never imagined reading Riza being compared to a limp noodle made me laugh though)
Feyrevara chapter 1 . 1/20/2018
you're really a good writer! this is really cute you could be a writer and publish your own book, if that will happen I will be the first one to read your own work!