Reviews for Megin, Meg, Thor's Magic Belt
StandupSitdown chapter 8 . 4/25
I'm rereading this story specifically for these last few chapters. Everything gets 10 times better when Happy realizes Loki is actually saying he misses Thor. And the way Thor realizes it must be true because of how many big words Loki used to refute it was pretty well written too. I hope if you ever do a sequel Happy has at least a small role. Thanks again for the enjoyment scenes like these bring
StandupSitdown chapter 11 . 3/28
This was a cute enjoyable story and I wish it went on just a little longer. I'd love to see Lokis Valentine's Day interview/ date at least. Hopefully another time
Natalie Rushman chapter 11 . 6/20/2019
I love it X) You managed to close it more gracefully than I'd anticipated, with Happy - who started out so frazzled - actually smiling and being complemented by Tony. The way Thor and Loki have managed to work things out is nice too. I love that all of this came out of that one little throwaway line! I really enjoyed that last image of the door flying off the hinges and Loki coming with it XD too funny. This story was just too precious. It's perfect.
Natalie Rushman chapter 10 . 6/13/2019
And the story comes full circle X) I love this. I'm sad that the next chapter's the last one, but at the same time, I'm really excited to see how it ends! This is just such a fun read!
Natalie Rushman chapter 9 . 6/7/2019
This was a surprisingly touching chapter X) I love them together! I'm excited to see how this story ends.
Natalie Rushman chapter 8 . 6/1/2019
I almost forgot about Happy's interest in boxing! That was one of my favorite moments from IM2 X) This is perfect! I'm so happy I discovered this story (no pun intended) ;)
Natalie Rushman chapter 7 . 5/24/2019
This is hysterical XD
Natalie Rushman chapter 6 . 5/17/2019
This is fantastic X) The switching from perspective-to-perspective is a really nice touch. The pacing is wonderful. 'what the god of thunder's got down under' made me laugh SO HARD XD chapter 11 . 5/13/2019
Loved it! Can’t believe you built this story based on a single, throwaway line in a film in which neither of the main characters appeared. Would happily read a bunch more, but I know you have other fics to fry. Great job!
Natalie Rushman chapter 5 . 5/10/2019
Lol! I love it. I was getting strong Lego-Movie-Joker vibes in this chapter ;) I wonder what Loki's REALLY got going on, and if he's behind Meginjord's disappearance!
Supermoi chapter 5 . 5/4/2019
OMG! *dies of laughter* OMG OMG OMG! THAT WAS HILARIOUS!
Natalie Rushman chapter 4 . 5/3/2019
Yeah, I don't blame Thor for shuddering there. Nobody wants to compare their girlfriend to their little brother X) LOVED Tony in this one. You always write Tony really well, but I specifically enjoy his interactions with Thor. That bit about Thor needing to talk about Loki and Tony needing to reply with sarcasm was so on point! I have a feeling this isn't the real meginjord. And I'm anxious to find out what Loki's up to! His poking around like a tourist was awesome X) Can't wait to see what's next!
Void-Of-Erebos chapter 8 . 4/27/2019
this has gone far from the title and summary
Void-Of-Erebos chapter 5 . 4/27/2019
ok, Meginjord (Actually pronounced Meginjoo'rth for the ö just punch in this link and watch the first 20 seconds watch?vhEpsLVKo5vg and that symbol at the end is a voiced dental fricative, like in the word; 'the') seems to have actually been destroyed in the fire?
Void-Of-Erebos chapter 4 . 4/27/2019
why doesn't Thor have armour enchanted to feel like he isn't wearing it, so if he wears it underneath the shirt, it'd feel like he's just wearing the shirt
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