Reviews for A Touch of Hands
Guest chapter 1 . 4/27
Hidden Figures was on TV today and I got curious. I’m quite happy with this fanfic. I’d love if there was more.
XxLostInTheShadowsxX chapter 1 . 8/7/2018
So, I have been looking for a fanfiction with this pairing since the movie came out. Yours is the only one I have found so far. This book is amazing, and I really wish it wasn't just a one shot!
zhydi maber chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
My friend and me just ended watching Hidden Figures and she said that no matter how nice the movie and the ending was it would be great if she ended with Colonel Glen because he was so sweet, so we figured we could look for a fanfic and we found yours. Just wanted to say that it's beaitiful and lovely and we loved it
zhydi maber chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
My friend and me just ended watching Hidden Figures and she said that no matter how nice the movie and the ending was it would be great if she ended with Colonel Glen because he was so sweet, so we figured we could look for a fanfic and we found yours. Just wanted to say that it's beaitiful and lovely and we loved it