Reviews for Distractions
Guest chapter 1 . 2/8/2018
Sorry if you didn't understand it but basically the story I want to see is Lizzie telling raven that she loves her on true hearts day after dexter falls in love with Cupid she even gives raven all of her heart blooms to prove her love for her
Guest chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
I have an idea on a Lizzie x raven true hearts day story idea where raven becomes heart broken that dexter chooses Cupid over her,he even gives Cupid his the first person who gives her a heart bloom, or should I say heart blooms, is Lizzie hearts who shows her how much she loves raven (which is a lot given how many blooms she has) the rest is up to you
Jay chapter 1 . 1/23/2018
Yay~ Finally more Rapple! It has definitely made my morning whole lot better, thank you for sharing your spelltacular work. I hope would you have a nice day as well :)