Reviews for Crickets
Guest chapter 2 . 5/31/2019
I’m loving this! Very well written and entrancing! I hope you continue some day!
Rex Madison chapter 2 . 1/29/2019
Hey there! This is Rex, a friend of illyrilex's. She recommended you to me...well, in a manner of speaking. It wasn't so much "go read this story NOW" as "this author is AMAZING" over and over till I had to see for myself. :P Well, here I am, seeing...and seeing is believing, heh. Because sure enough, this was fantastic.

I actuallly know very little about RE and Wesker. All I've really got to go on is that A) he's a bastard, and B) he's the smartest man you'll ever meet. Turned out, though, I didn't even need that; those traits came through in the background, but they weren't the point of the story. Through Sherry's eyes we see so much more of him - his tenderness, his sexuality, his social awkwardness. It's the awkwardness I liked most, actually. Seeing her lust after him was fun, seeing him dote on her was adorable (I knew I was in for something special when he said "tell me what's wrong and I'll destroy it"). But them taking such comfort in each other, when they're so different from everyone else, was beautiful. The part near the end, where he says "sorry, I forget that no one's like us"? That was just...*taps chest with fist, flashes peace sign*

I actually read another of your stories tonight: Annual. THERE was a study in contrasts, lemme tell ya. :P But it showed me you can do smut as well as fluff, Bastard Wesker as well as Adorable Wesker. He was just being SUCH an asshole - so it was mesmerizing watching Claire sit there and take it, seeing her falling under his spell. The transition to straight smut was jarring, but smooth (har!) from her perspective...and, uhm, the sex was hot. ...I never know how to compliment that. _;

It's always great finding a really good author - and even greater when it's been awhile. There's some cool stories being told over at our lil' fandom, but the writing itself's usually hollow, simple or flat at best (besides illy's of course). So I loved seeing a unique voice again, something with traits and nuances I can enjoy on their own. I can't PROMISE I'll keep reading, but I'll probably come back at some point; I may not love RE like KOF, but this writing certainly makes up for it.

Thanks for the read!
Naoko Mint chapter 2 . 3/11/2018
Still so amazing, I am in awe for the depth you go into their regular lives, however irregular it is. Thank you as always!
DamadiSangue chapter 2 . 2/13/2018
I'm... I'm absolutely without words.
You are a fucking great writer.

First, your Alex.
You now HOW much I love her. She is my precious thing. She is my favorite - desperate, tragic, full of regrets and sadness.
But your Alex is the other side. She is cruel, sharp, on the edge.
She is perfect. A masterpiece. I LOVE HER. And you, by the way.

Second, Albert. OH MY. Albert.
I am splitted between the desire to tell him "hey everything will be fine!" and the discomfort he passes to me.
He is fragile, in his unique way, and... nostalgic.

Sherry. I really, really like their relationship and how you developed them. There is so much tension between and I'm looking forward for the next chapter.

Last, my little puppy, CHRIS. OH MY. CHRIS. He is a puppy. A labrador puppy. He is so soft, here, I like him! And his relationship with Sherry.

You are great and this? This is an amazing work! Looking forward for the next chapter!

thank u next chapter 2 . 2/13/2018
Okay so. I’m trying to think of what to say that I haven’t already. I’ve always been a broken record about this stuff.

-Lovely details, lovely actions. Incredibly vivid, full, totally grounded scenes. You breathe a lot of life into this world. Every action is purposeful, three-dimensional.

-The simplicity of the present day scenes. They feel so barren compared to the scenes you build with Wesker. There’s a darkness to them, and that warm haze and the comfort from the Wesker scenes is gone (even with Alex interrupting it. Which she does beautifully.)

-Your Alex. Good god. She’s a fucking nightmare. I’m obsessed. And that sinister edge to every action, every word.

-The weight on Sherry. Again, something I’ve already said, but it’s a beautiful balance. Super raw, super closed off. A shell around her, but one that seems incredibly fragile. (And the way Alex tries to chip away at it, the way Wesker struggles to keep it in place...wonderful dynamic. Seriously.)

-The tension in the kiss scene. I don’t even really want to talk about it because I feel like anything I could say would totally dilute it. It stands so beautifully on its own. It reads like an ice cube on your back.

-My final thought: “Sherry looked very hard at him. "He said you were the only person he could trust."” I seriously cannot tell you what an absolute gut-punch that line was. It says so much about how he wants to protect her. So, so fucking much. I honestly think it’s the most emotionally resonant moment in the fic so far, for me anyway. It’s a brilliant touch.
ironbutterfly25 chapter 1 . 2/13/2018
Where to start, first off, thank you for the credit~ I already told you how much I like what you did with menses idea when you first drafted it/this story. And I'm excited to see that this now is unfolding into a multi-chaptered fic! I didn't expect the addition of Chris/BSAA so that's a treat - it adds suspense to this and more detail for the plot. Wesker is unusually kind. I keep on guessing and trying to read in between the lines for his motives haha! Even wondered if Sherry is not seeing him for who he really is and I think that's the beauty of this piece, we gotta wait until the end to see most of the picture. Sherry is so soft, naive, and angelic. There's a fairytale feel to this and she surely makes the perfect helpless and clueless princess/damsel. It matches what she is in the games. Ch2 is real fun with Alex thrown in the mix, enjoyed that bit with the 'first kiss' and Wesker eventually intervening. I'm definitely tuning in for the rest~
thank u next chapter 1 . 2/11/2018
Things I love about this:

-The structure. It’s laid out beautifully. I’m obviously a big fans of flashes of scenes, and this story lends itself so well to that. Little pieces of her past tangled up with all the heartbreak in the present.

-The simplicity. Every detail speaks for itself. You paint a beautifully vivid picture of their life together with so few pieces.

-Sherry feels so old in this. It’s so fitting. All the weight on her, and the way she sees the truth behind the words. She would have been forced to grow up so quickly, and I think you capture that beautifully.

-The comfort between them. “"Oh Cricket…," he sighed. "We've got to take better care of ourselves, don't we?"” It’s such a new, unexpected side to him, and one that’s difficult to adjust to, but around Sherry and her softness and her quietness, it really begins to feel fitting.

And “"It's not as if she'll wear anything but that ratty t-shirt anyway," he lamented, glancing disdainfully in her direction as he handed over the payment.

Sherry saw that he was smirking underneath though, and so she smirked too.” It’s such. A. Good. Dynamic. This weird pastel muted bubble they exist in together. How well they know each other. Ugh.

-That airport scene is incredible. “Pretend.” I don’t even have anything to say about it, honestly. It’s gorgeous and somehow so heart-wrenching. And the descriptions in the pool scene are next fucking level. It’s all so blue and crystal and warm and comfortable. You can truly feel all of it, when you read it. And the tension in that moment. Jesus.

-These lines: “She was sad for herself, being born a girl, but more so for him, being born a human.

Life was tragic.”

Goddamn, dude. Goddamn.

-My favorite bit from the entire thing:

“He made her his sister's favorite chicken and rice for dinner that night, instead of ordering out. He added an entire head of fresh garlic. They loved garlic, together.

He only made chicken and rice when he felt guilty.”

It’s such a human thing. It’s not a fancy, pretentious dish. It’s not elegant. It’s an insane amount of garlic. It’s a weird thing between the two of them. A really simple, beautiful connection, and the fact that he only makes it when he feels guilty - again, it totally speaks for itself.

-My other favorite bit: “"Tell me," he said softly. His pupils expanded until his golden irises were nearly eclipsed. "Tell me and I'll destroy it."” A flicker of the him that’s underneath it all. The real him? The other half of him? I dunno. But a wonderful and kind of chilling glimpse of it. And a glimpse of just how protective he is over Sherry, just how much he cares for her, the lengths he’d go to for her.

Anyway, I could basically just quote the entire fic back to you but I guess I won’t do that. I GUESS. It’s fucking masterful. The disorientation I got from this Wesker was a hurdle, like I said before, but I think it’s a good one. It makes you pause, like “what the fuck is he doing, why is he like this, how did any of this happen?” It raises questions about his intentions, what he’s hiding, what’s “real.” I want to see how he develops. How THEY develop. Where these two halves of his lives merge, or how well he manages to keep them separate. It’s fascinating, to say the absolute least.
KachinaCrow chapter 1 . 1/28/2018
A thrilling experience, I must admit.

There's a sweet and guileless girl that becomes a broken bird. She's torn from the bosom of her family so young - her perverted family, mind you, where she's nothing more than a means to an end for a father built on creating the perfect monster. She begins to be cut adrift from all things that reflect her humanity until she's, virtually, spiritless.

Along comes the man responsible for her father's downfall. Is she aware of it? Not at first. She bonds to him. Why not? He's the first to stay with her instead of abandoning her. "Pretend to get better" starts to feel like her mantra a bit.

I enjoy that you've turned him into something she covets but doesn't, overtly, try to claim. I enjoy that you tell the story of her time with him in a simple, fluid style that doesn't attempt to crowd our brains with too many flowery passages and big words. My one tiny, nitpitcky remark would be that I wish the story was longer. Which, hah, isn't really a complaint at all but more of a whiney moment of "why is it over!?"

Wesker is written in a way I enjoy him here. He's not evil. He's not a mastermind. He's a man raising a girl. He even comes off as awkward in parts (the menses scene for sure and his discomfort with the boy she uses for her painting are priceless) and I like that you make him mortal. Like Kennedy, he has a tendency to be written stoic and lifeless and boring. You don't just write him touchable here, you write him human. So thank you for that.

I admit I was hoping for just a little touching between them. Again, my own personal dirty little want, punctuated by the delicious way you show her feelings for him as he ties her swimsuit and, barely, grazes her buttocks. Oh, a single touch, and so well done.

If this was just a one shot, I enjoy it completely. If it's meant to be more, I eagerly await the next part. Perhaps you mean it as a build up to her beginning in 6? This takes place before she's imprisoned with Simmons, (I'm assuming!).

She would let him have whatever he wanted...a good line. It punctuated the story beautifully.
Thank you for taking the time to share it with us.
DamadiSangue chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
This is a masterpiece, I know it.
This story will be (and it is NOW) amazing, utterly amazing.

First, your prose - your choice of words, perfect in every detail.
Second, the characters Wesker and Sherry. Oh, they are so full of tragedy and melancholy.
I really like how you perform Sherry and her blooming feelings for Albert.
I can FEEL her, and him.

And Wesker... what can I say? He is so broken, and tragic. You are a talent - a very great writer.

I'm on board with it! Great work!
littlevamp chapter 1 . 1/25/2018
I loved this! You have a talent for writing in general, but your flow and your descriptions take the cake, in my opinion. I love seeing this side of Wesker, as I've always been very curious how he treated Sherry when he took her in after RE2. I loved how her thoughts traveled towards more intimate, even slightly sexual images; I thought it created more of a build up within the chapter. Not sure if this is a one-shot or not, but this would be a fantastic story. :) I do hope you continue it. :) All the best! - Lil V.
LadyJavert chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
Soooooo glad to see you again! And as always, a great read. So many scenes I loved in this! The menstruation scene was stand out for me. Just the thought of Wesker feeling guilty... eeek! And *cooking*?! Yasssss.
Ultimolu chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
O_O This

I was practically blown away by the way this was set up.

And why the heck am I reading this at night?!

Me: I was pretty scared for the Anatomy instructor guy and his assistant. I smelled some serious jealousy emanating from el fruitcako over that assistant.

Wesker: ...

Me: I mean, it was pretty obvious-okay, shutting up now. Shutting up, lips sealed!

Anyway, the imagery was amazing, as usual and espeeeeccially the whole speedo/pool incident.

Me: Holy paloozas. I would have blacked out. o.o

Wesker: Of course. -smirks-

Me: Damnit...-runs for a box of Kleenex-

I love this so far. I do have a Sherry/Wesker premise too and its pretty AU.

Argh, you peoplllleee, giving me ideas now!
Naoko Mint chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
Fantastically written! I'm excited for more, and I love the narrative. Sherry's termoil and bouts of ease are very memorable.