Reviews for Do You Come Here Often?
AuntCori chapter 9 . 4/8
I do hope you can use this down-time (like the rest of us) to come back to this GREAT story. I can't believe the last update was May 2018, as we stare down the barrel at May 2020.
I love your story telling style, please consider come back to us.
CNova chapter 9 . 2/8
Hoping your muse is treating you well! I come back and check on this fic from time to time!
MarieVance chapter 9 . 1/20/2019
This is truly lovely story! I enjoyed it so much I read it all in one setting! Hope your muse will be good to you!
CNova chapter 9 . 11/5/2018
I've just spent the morning binge reading this and wow! I can't wait to see what happens next and the fallout from this drunken escapade. This whole chapter was great and I was waiting for something like this to go down between Hermione and Ron.
sonnetStar chapter 9 . 8/10/2018
Loved drunk Hermione!
Can’t wait to see where it goes! :)
SailorSlytherin93 chapter 9 . 7/4/2018
Omg I was so confused as to how she started confronting him, until the Lavender part clicked everything together. I'm so glad Ginny didn't blindly take Ron's side, I've seen that done in too many other fanfictions and it pisses me off so much. And Draco, god he's such a sexy gentleman. He could've done anything he wanted with that information but the right time will present itself. He knows it. Ugh, I would've thrown myself at him too. You are a beautiful writer. Thank you so much.
Julia Turpin chapter 9 . 6/13/2018
BoredRavenvlaw620 chapter 9 . 5/27/2018
Ok! We can finally make some real life changes! Looking forward to more!
BlackHeart-FallenAngel chapter 9 . 5/20/2018
Divorce, then? Oh, poor Rose. Hmmm... I wonder how Harry will react?
nuke-squid chapter 1 . 5/18/2018
this was an amazing chapter. please update soon!
bbcherrytomato2 chapter 9 . 5/17/2018
Love this so much! Hope you update soon. Can't wait to see how Hermione handles her hangover. :p
halbarath chapter 9 . 5/17/2018
Poor sod. She's not making it easy for him. He seems so taken with her, it's sweet really.
Thanks for the update. Always lovely to get an alert for your story.
Rc0321 chapter 9 . 5/17/2018
Good story! I like your writing. Can’t wait to see what happens next
pgoodrichboggs chapter 9 . 5/17/2018
Awesome chapter! I hope Hermione can get through January before accosting Malfoy again, lol!
gginsc chapter 9 . 5/17/2018
Hermione is being dumb! Ron could try to say she was the one cheating!
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