Reviews for 86: Sugar, Sugar
AwkwardFudgeball chapter 1 . 2/7/2018
Yesss this is amazingggggg! I'm just gonna tack on extra letters and exclamation marks to show how much I love it, I guess? The bedtime story was great. I wanted to scream when I realized what it was about. This made my day
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
Guest chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
That was brilliant! Loved the way Mike made their story into a tale for his sister and the answer that the princess saved the knights! Keep up your amazing work!
Movie Riggs chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
This was definitely different than your other stories, but it worked pretty well. Despite being all over the place, it never felt truly derivative and therefore it works just fine in my book.
I personally have always wanted to see a good one-shot devoted fully towards driving lessons, mostly between Steve and Dustin but it makes sense that Hopper might end up (at least partially) teaching Mike as well. I don't know, maybe I'll write that fic myself once if I ever find the time...
Also, El's Princess Leia quote was hilarious!
I look forward to your next installment (I can say that right? All your ST one-shots are definitely in the same universe, I'm assuming... I'm just a classic example of a child born of the superhero movie era. I love it any time multiple stories/movies/etc. are revealed to be connected in-universe).
Anyway, I've rambled. As always, good job and keep it up!
AliKattt chapter 1 . 2/1/2018
As AGAIAAAAIIN you wow us all with the fluff of the gods. Keep up the Mileven, I can't wait for 87! :)
Solyluna chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
oh playing the bases
hehe if I remembered it
well thought
Thank you
Guest chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
I just need to say i love your stories
Starla Marie Locke chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
So many things I love...the strawberry ice cream, Benny's little shrine, the princess story and of course the making out lol!
Genesis.Malfoy chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
You, my dear, are like a time machine. I feel like my tennage years had came back with all those beautiful romantic make out sessions before the 'stuff' begun. It's so sweet and sexy too, but most of all this story left me waiting for my husband to return home and kiss him like when we were sixteen. Thank you!
Resisting-Moonlight chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
Haha. That was too cute. El wanting to use her powers to drive and her being so nonchalant about her reasoning. Laughed at the "flirt on your own time" but. The joys of learning how to drive. Fun times. And sweet that El brings Benny flowers. It wasn't really brought up in season 2 about him being killed by the lab. Benny was Hopper's friend. It should be brought up at some point on the show. Curious how he'd take it. I love when Mike and El babysit Holly. He'd be awesome at telling bed time stories and I could definitely see her looking up to El.
Orange Pens and Messy Hands chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
this story was great! el learning to drive is a hilarious idea since she just ended up using her mind to move it. also i'm not sure if i've said this before but i'm okay with saying it again. I love your notes at the bottom. where you explain every single pop culture reference made. i love reading them because sometime i actually get to learn things that i didn't know before!
darthstormer chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
So sugary sweet I think I need a shot of insulin. Love his bedtime story.
deleteduserFormerlyMuffinstuff chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
Shit now I have cavities xDD

This. This. This. Ahh. Why- I mean, like, somebody get this girl in the writer's room! God knows SHE wouldn't kill off poor Bob...

Or would she? *X-files theme* okay i'll leave