Reviews for Harry Potter: Lord of Darkness
Hnkhf chapter 1 . 7/10
Wtf was this
WarChicken chapter 37 . 6/24
Definitely something wrong with that bath scene.
Guest chapter 49 . 6/12
At that moment...

Ron realized...

That he really screwed up.
Sujeeth chapter 42 . 5/13
I really loved every aspect of this story besides the Harem part since ive never really liked that concept. This is as far as i can go but i cant read more since it really bothers me(Lily being included and Gabbie acting sexual being a 10y old)... It really was a good read though:)
Uday Sra chapter 50 . 3/20
RevDorothyL chapter 21 . 3/7
A lovely 'Riddick' shout-out there, which somehow works perfectly in the mouth of the Dark Lord Harry. :)
huntjd1 chapter 35 . 1/26
Sorry about my past few reviews. I sometimes get over critical when I have been drinking and good story I am really into takes a direction I don't care for. I try to keep myself from reviewing when drinking but you see how successful I was. That was mainly do to really getting into a story I like. Although even sober I have to agree that a couple of those chapters were a bit to smut heavy. Thanks for sharing your excellent story so far.
huntjd1 chapter 34 . 1/25
Ok I am back into the story now that it is more closely following the start.
huntjd1 chapter 33 . 1/25
You should have made two different stories. You now have Harry ignoring those who he loves being tutored and them making excuses about not interrupting his plans? I am sorry but Harry in this story is supposed to be extremely perceptive and dark willing to burn the world to the ground to protect those he cares about and has the power to do it. Author note at beginning of chapter one states "God Like Harry". So What is with the last several chapters. He is basically allowing his loved ones to be tortured and doing nothing about it.
huntjd1 chapter 32 . 1/25
I am sorry but this story has taken a down turn over the last several chapters. Maybe it would have been best to have ended it with the defeat of Voldemort and perhaps a prolog. In my opinion this chapter is Harry sitting back and doing nothing while he and those he cares about is attacked by those who have already bean rendered powerless and hense allowing them to regain some power. This just seems to contradict the earlier part of this storry. I am sorry if it was anyone other than the squib toad Umbitch I might take this more seriously. Don't even get me started on Tonks being Fired for absolutely nothing provable. I Know. I know. This is fiction so it doesn't have to be believable. Honestly I have trouble believing that the has been dark lord defeater of Grindlewald has more pull than the twice more recent defeater of Voldemort.
huntjd1 chapter 31 . 1/25
uh ok I guess another filler chapter. I am not trying to be hard on you but the last few chapter seem to be filler smut with a bit of trying to build anticipation of problems for Harry coming from an already defeated Fudge his lacky Umbitch a senile Dumbledore and a retired potions professor by the name of Slughorn. I am having a bit of difficulty understanding why your God like powerful Harry is allowing this group of senile has-beens' to push him around. Is he hoping for some entertainment? I have trouble believing any one that Dumb, Dumb has assembled so far could so much as peek this Harry's interest. Perhaps if he brought out Grindlewald? I am sorry I will try to enjoy the rest of the story its just those you have had Dumbledore assemble to appose Harry seem so insignificant next to the Harry you have built up. For example Fudge? His only power was political? He took bribes readily so that means he didn't have money of his own. From what I can tell he never had much by the way of significant family backing. So how does a disgraced politician with nothing else going for him all the sudden find himself back in power? I am sorry these questions would just not leave me alone. Perhaps future chapters will answer them for me.
huntjd1 chapter 30 . 1/25
This chapter on AoOO was mostly smut on this site it mostly just hinted at smut. While I like the occasional smut I cant say I care much for going from one smut scene to the next and next and next. I gets boring. I know that is just my opinion but there you go the last two chapters have been primarily smut scenes.
huntjd1 chapter 29 . 1/25
This chapter was a bit of a let down sorry. to me it seemed all filler with zero plot progression. Basically Harry takes an extremely long vacation filled with sex and lets everything goto hell. That is the sum of the plot progression of this chapter. As much as I like the ocasionla smut sceen I think you went a bit overboard and I wound up scimming through those scenes on AoOO as it seemed a little to forced. Anyways overall I am still enjoying the story.
huntjd1 chapter 28 . 1/25
Umbitch hugh? I hope you don't give her to much power otherwise I will have to drop this from a five star story to a two star. Sorry I just find fanfics that make Umbitch powerful discusting. In canon I consider her the lacky of a tool named Fudge. I just cant bring myself to believe she could possibly be anything more especially since she is practically a squib. Sorry couldn't help but comment on that Honestly I am enjoying this story so far on Archive of Our Own. I find the smut light and enjoyable. I cant help but wonder where is Skeeter's attack on Fudge? Maybe we will find out next chapter?
Guest chapter 29 . 1/23
It is a very enjoyable read. A very entertaining story. It has one big flaw. NO rational and logically thinking person with a bit of intelligence would allow himself or herself to be exposed to their opposition. What is more it would not be done for simple fun, for thrill of battle or other BS. The MC behaved like a MORON in his fight with Voldemort. He should simply take the memories of the Krum and Diggory. WHY? Becouse leaving those memories intact endangers his loved ones, the closest companions he has. No matter how emotionally not responsive a MC is he has some weak spot for his Hedwig and the closest circle. The thing he had done leaving the memories of the fight intact after fight is utter idiocy. You do not do such things for the sake of fun, you do not behave like some utterly idiotic dark overlord from some cliche story for children. A good enemy is a dead enemy, even more so when you have friends and family that is vulnerable to the aftermatch of some nebulous glorious idiotic last battle type of confrontation between a hero and his or her nemesis. THE MC was portrayed as an intelligent person, that BS in the confrontation and opening the whole deck of his cards towards DUmbi was not something a person with half working brain would do. Once more it was enjoyable read but the behaviour at the end of the fight and the aftermatch was not something that would motivate someone like me to read further. But that is only my humble opinion. One flaw, the rest of the fiction is truly marvelous.
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